Chapter 14....Ryan's POV

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Ryan's POV....

I watched our mate turn and go. I wished I had stopped Darcy but What help would that do. We had scared her, our mate.

Ryan? Father wishes to speak with you! Rohanna said though the mind link. She was the only one who was brave enough to tell me what to do though the mind link.

Okay I'm going! Can you go see if Avery is alright?

Yeah why?

I may have upset her. Don't ask about but see if she is alright in 10 mins okay?

Yes sir yes!  
She said in a mock voice of a solider. I felt a smile suddenly make its way onto my face. Rohanna always made me smile when I was down.

I walked slowly to the pack house and made my way to my father's room. I hated it in there. It reminded me of my mother. I missed her so much. We went out for ice cream when I was little. She was so beautiful. Rohanna was going to look like her apart from the eyes. She had father's eyes.

I was so sad when they said mother had died. At first I hated Rohanna for taking her way. I felt like she had taken both father and mother away because father never came out of his room. He still never smiled or have fun with us.

I knocked and went in.

"Son!" He greeted me.

"Father" I nodded.

"We need to talk about the future of this pack! You will be taking the pack over soon but you are unready for the fact you do not have a Luna..." I was about to say something but he carried on. "You have not found her so I was thinking, I know it would be better to wait but what about that Gracey girl. You seem to like her, she could just stand in I suppose but I was thinking you could marry her. Yes I would have like to have you married to your mate but hunters are coming from every where. We need to think of this. We are without a Luna!"

"I have found my mate!" I growled at him.


"I. Have. Found. My. Mate!" I spat at him. I was disgusted with his idea! Who could he suggest this. What happen if I had married her and then I found Avery? What then?

"What? Who is she?" He stood up but suddenly sat down when he saw my anger. "Ryan I am sorry! I did not know!" I calmed not wanting my father to fear me.

"Her name is Avery, she saved Rohanna from hunters!" I said proudly.

"What the Rogue?"

"She not a bloody Rogue anymore! She the Luna of this pack!" I shouted at him.

Avery's POV....

I shifted into my wolf and started to run. Morrigan hadn't spoken yet giving me time to think. What should I do? Was he not an Alpha? What would happen if I ran? Would he come after me?

You don't need to run! Morrigan said.

Why? You knew I didn't want a mate! He will be a shamed of me!

No, you are the next Luna of their pack! No one will be a shamed!

What Luna? What is a Luna?

They are like the Alpha but a female.They are the strongest of mind, body and they calm down the Alpha! She looks after the pack like her pups! Did you not do that to Rohanna?

Yes but I'm not Strong, I'm weak! You are the strong one. I'm sorry you got put with me as a human!

Do you not get it Avery! You are my equal! We are the same! You are just as strong! We have the same weakness. We are one!
She shouted at me. This was the first time Morrigan had shouted at me . I was shocked in till I heard a rustling. My head snapped to the sound and Morrigan was on edge as well. I saw Rohanna walk slowly towards me. I smiled but she didn't mirror me. Her eyes were red and puffy. Had she been crying?

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