Just a note to say! :)) (MUST READ)

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  • İtfaf edildi To everyone

MUST READ!!!!!!!

Well this is just to say my lovely readers that there will be no updates on the Alone girl for a few weeks! I am just not feeling the story anymore. I had planned that Avery was going to get kidnapped but from there I have no idea!

What I am trying to say I have writer's block! :( And right now I am so sick of the alone girl I would most likely kill Avery and Misty off. The Ryan and Connor die from heart ache and Rohanna goes mad because 3 power shifts have died meaning part of her has died too!

I am sorry and I'll try to update when I am over the writer's block!

I want to thank all of you for staying with me, Avery, Ryan, Rohanna ect. it means such alot!

This story was never really meant to be put onto wattpad it was an off side thing I was doing! I started on wattpad for reading and that was it! My friend told me to post one of my stories (the river of truth) but it wasn't really any good! I then started A werewolf's Tale! And that got a few readers but Alone girl I was so happy!

I LOVE YOU ALL! I will try to finish this but I have no idea what is going on anymore!

School starts in a few days and it is my last year! I have had to deal with losing a Friend over a stupid arugment and the stress of my GCESs this year.

I wanted to tell you all this because I thought you all had the right to know that there might not be anymore updates on the alone girl! Thank you all!



Help me out and check out my other stories and vote and comment on them! I will love you forever!!



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