Chapter 15.....Avery's POV

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This is what Ryan is feeling! Also the guy singer is what Turlough looks like! :DD



Avery's POV

I had her pinned down. She was screaming and fighting to get me off.

"You are a slut!" I said in her makeup caked face. I smelt her cheep perfume as it stung at me nose. She was so fake!

"What the fuck! Ryan will kill you for this you bitch!" She screamed in my face making me growl!

"Good luck with getting Ryan to kill her Grace!" Aaron put his in put in finding the whole scene funny. The amusement was all over his face.

"Why he loves me not her!" She cried out. I growled again.

"Really slut!" I snapped at her. Morrigan wanted to come out of her cage but I wanted to punch her. I stood up pulling this slut up with me by her dried out hair. I had my fist ready to Punch her straight in the nose when I heard his voice.

"Avery let go!!" I turned to see a very pissed off looking Ryan. Was he mad at me? I let go of the slut and she ran to Ryan. I growled as she jumped into his arms. What the fuck!

We are leaving Avery! Morrigan's rages was greater than mine this time. She felt betrayed as Ryan looked her over.


What? He is quite clearly rejecting us Avery in front of his whole pack!

No! This isn't just his pack! It is mine as well. He may be rejecting us but we still his mate! That still makes the pack apart of us.

Please Avery my heart can't take this!

Be strong!

I will try!

"I see where your loyalty's lay!" I turned to go but I heard her stupid fucking voice!

"See bitch this is my pack! Who's the slut now!" I would not be another victim of bullying! I turned around to see Ryan having Garcey pinned up against the wall. What does this boy have bipolar?

"Avery?" Rohanna run for me. At least I know his sister wants me. I knew this was going to happen anyway. She was easy as far as I could tell. Fucking bitch!

"Yeah Rohanna?"

"Thank you!" She hugged me but I still felt cold.

"You are the slut!" Ryan shouted at her. "Out everybody!" He Alpha ordered everyone but I felt nothing for it but followed Rohanna anyway. I wanted to be away from my so called mate!

Ryan's POV.....

I didn't know what to do. She was my matee but I could show her one rule and the rst another. I had yet to mark her and I could risk for Gracey to run off. There was too many hunters out there. Yes I hated thr fact I couldn't help my mate but I would deal with that later.

"Do you understand you are not my mate! My mate is Avery!" I said in a slow voice.

"No Ryan she got you under a spell." She went to touch my cheek but I grabbed her hand away from my face.

Why did you hate our mate? Morrigan will not speak with me! Why? Darcy was shouting at me.

"No" I shock my head "she has not! She is my mate and the Luna!"

"Oh god what has she done to you..." She cried out. Tears washing away the orange from her face. There was something wrong with this girl. I punched the wall by her head before storming away to find Avery.

I found her with Rohanna. Rohanna shoot up from her seat in the dinning room to stand in front of Avery. She growled at me to warn me back.

"Easy Rohanna" I said putting my hands up to show her I meant no harm but this made her growl even more. What?

"You! How could you!" She shouted before leaping at me. I was pushed to the ground by Rohanna. She growled at me trying to snap at my neck.

"What the fuck Rohanna?"

"How could you do that to your mate?" I looked up to see if Avery was till here but she wasn't. The doors to the yard where open and the cold breeze was let in.

"I will explain every thing to you Rohanna! But do you mind getting off me so I can make thing up to my mate?"

"You better!" She warned before rolling off me. For a ten year old she could hold her own in a fight, so why didn't she when she was the hunters?

I ran out of the doors to be meted by pitch black. I walked to the bottom of the yard by the old oak tree where a tire swing was. Me and Rohanna use to play on that for hours when we where little. I was 8 when she was born and I loved her very much.

As I got closer I saw a shape of a girl crying on the tire swing. With each sob my heart shattered into a pieces.

"Avery?" I whispered knewing with her wolf hearing she would hear me.

"Go away" She said leftting her from her hands. I came closer and put my arm around her.

"Avery forgive me!"

"Just levae me alone!" She pulled out of my grip.

"Please Avery"

"No! Just no! You said we were mates! Mate are surpose to help each other but no not mine! Just like my brother!"

"I'm sorry"

"That what he said in the end but you no what sorry wasn't good enough in the end." She breathed in deep before carrying on "you see this scar well my own mother gave it to me! But that didn't hurt as much as you hurt me. So just leave me alone! Just go! I will be gone by the morning anyway! Don't worry I won't bother you again!" She screamed at me.

"No Avery, You can't....You're Luna....You're my mate!"

"Not by choice!" Was her last word to me before running off into the house! I couldn't lose her. They said you died from your mate leaving you! And right now I believed it!

What I'm I going to do? Darcy would not speak to me and I was left to my own thoughts!


So I couldn't keep the deal about 2 votes = next chapter. I can't help it! When I start writting I can't stop.

I love writing!

Sorry for any mistakes! I will try to find them!!!!!

Hope you liked it!1

VOTE COMMENT FAN PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me what you think and was it long enough? I have this thing where I will write only one page!

I have bleed for this story (really I have I just cut myself on my own fucking laptop! What?) so I would like it if you tell what you think.

My blood is on this story!!!





ps 2 votes next chapter and can someone design me a cover I hate the one I've got?

Thank you!!!!!!!

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