Chapter Five: Safe and Sound

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Chapter Five: Safe and Sound

Avery POV

I felt alive again; I could feel Morrigan running in her cage, she was so happy, why?

Morrigan what happened? I asked my delighted wolf as she almost howled in joy.

Avery, you’re awake. Make yourself known you are worrying them! Morrigan shouted at me like I was a child.

I felt pain but safety too, what had happened? I thought long and hard and then it came to me like someone had thrown a bullet of ice cold water over me. I knew what that felt like.

I puzzled for a moment before remember, I suddenly sat bolt upright recalling the hunters and Rohanna! I looked around to find I was not in the clearing anymore but in someone’s warm and cosy bed in their blue bed room, it was dark blue and white and it was calming.

I tried to get up but something was anchoring me down, had they tied me up? Panic took over as I looked down but to my surprise I didn’t he sliver chains but I saw the most handsome man I had ever seen. His scent was werewolf and sent my heart rate over the edge but why?

I felt my features soften as I watch him sleep. He was beautiful. I wanted to reach down and touch his smooth, handsome face. I smiled as I watched. I lied back down slowly trying not to wake him and watched him sleep. I couldn't bring myself to look away. I just hoped Rohanna was okay. Who was he and why did I feel this way? I had so many questions running threw my head but for once I just wanted to live in the now. I didn’t want this moment to end.

I heard sudden footsteps running up stairs. I could help the feeling of wanting to hide but I didn't want to move from the man in front of me. His arm found its way around my waist pulling me closer to his bare and muscular chest. I smile and breathed in his scent, relaxing my whole body as I did before closing my amber eyes.

I heard the door open to the room and a little voice shout "Ryan!" The man next to me suddenly stirred and woke before letting me go. I felt alone but I didn't appear to be awake I was scared what might happen.

"What Rohanna?" The man's voice was deep and husky which sent shivers down my back but the name Rohanna made me suddenly sat up making the man called Ryan jump in shock.

 I smiled to show how sorry I was and I saw his breath hitch. What was that about? I thought to myself as I crawled out from under the covers to see myself in a man’s white t-shirt. I blushed as I noticed the man staring at my pale legs I pulled down the shirt as far as I could.

"Rohanna" I said with my dry throat. I slowly got up and I ran to her. Picking her up as she jump into my arms, I winced in pain before checking her over. Was she hurt? What happened after I had passed out?

"Avery! You're okay!" She hugged me and I hugged her back tightly. I put her down and smiled at her. She was beautiful with long red hair. It was flame red in fact, there was no orange in it but it was completely red. She had deep blue eyes like crystal and she was small with a cute smile.

I heard the Ryan person move off the bed to stand just a little behind me. I gulped waiting for the pain but it never came.

"Avery?" He said softly. I turned to notice his messy black hair that was like the colour of onyx and his well muscular chest; he had emerald green eyes and a strong jaw line unshaven jaw line. His lips were a rosy pink and were plump.  

He's hot! Morrigan commented making me blush. I looked to the floor when I saw the smirk on those lips; he had caught me checking him out.

"I'm Ryan the Alpha of the Blood moon pack. Rohanna is my sister. You are welcome here, so you don't need to fear us!" He said smiling warmly. I looked up to see Rohanna beaming at me and Ryan so I mirrored her.

"Thank you Ryan!!" Rohanna screamed at him jumping into his strong, tanned arms.

He laughed hugging her small form to him.

I smiled at how sweet they were. I wish my family were like that, I shivered remembering them and Ryan puzzled at me.

“Are you cold?” He asked gently as he looked at my half naked form. I couldn’t help the blush that crept onto my pale face as I nodded. “Here” he handed me a black hooded top to pull over my head.

“Thank you” I said shyly as he beamed at me as he watched me pull the warm top over my small head. The top almost drowned me in the black fabric; it ended just above my knee.

“No worries” he smiled making me mirror him. What was happening to me? I had never felt this safe and at home since my grandmother died. I hope this feeling was going to last. I could see myself living here! I sighed; nothing lasted forever!


Sorry for any mistakes. I don't really like the ending in this chapter but I couldn't think how to end it. I won't be writing for a bit because I'm going to London (again) and I have medieval fighting (dressing up as knights and ladies) stuff coming up at Easter weekend with my brother.  I may upload as soon as I get back from London or maybe next week. I'll try to up load one everyday next week. Thank you for reading! It means a lot!!


x x x

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