Chapter Eleven: Changing

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Chapter Eleven: Changing  

Avery's POV

When we finally pulled back Ryan leaned his forehead against mine. I could feel it, I was grinning like a fool. I couldn't help it. He had given me feelings that I never knew I had. He made my heart skip a beat and I had only just met him. What was happening to me? I couldn’t understand why this man made me feel so safe!

"We should be getting back soon..." He said smiling before taking my hand gently pulling me towards what must be the pack house. I had no idea where I was going but as long as Ryan was with me who cared. Worry washed over me but when I looked at him it vanished without a trance.

"What do you know of werewolves?" I suddenly asked. I couldn't help myself. I knew very little of werewolves. I knew that the change we went through was because of the moon. We normally first shift when there was a full moon. We were created by the Triple Goddess to look after the woods and nature. I knew that some had magical kind of powers but that was it. What did Ryan know? I wondered. He had grown up with this kind of life that I was only just discovering now!

I could see him thinking about my question before answering. "Er...Well we are affected by moon seeds...err” he said thinking “we have a soul mate?" He seemed to get a faraway look in his eye. I had heard of this but I always thought it was folklore. And if it was true why would someone want me the Alone Girl? I wasn’t anything special! Sadness filled me up like ice had been thrown over me.

"Soul mates... tell me more? I have not really heard of this..." I lied. I wanted to know what he knew. He lived with werewolves all his life but I had not heard of them in till I had changed. I wanted more knowledge was that so bad?

"Well we call them mates..." I nodded remembering what my brother had said to me. "They say you will fall in love no matter what..." He had picking me up and placing me over a fallen tree trunk that was in our way. He then jumped over it himself and grabbed my hand again. I could feel the little sparks when he grabbed my hand. Every time he touched me I felt these sparks. Was it just me? I hoped that he felt it too! I sighed.

"When the male has marked his female they can feel each other’s emotions and what they are thinking. An Alpha's mate is to calm him down and care for the pack like her own children."

"Have you found your mate?" I could help but ask red washing over my cheeks like a giant wave. I felt Morrigan growl at the idea of another female touching Ryan. I felt disgust also when I thought of another female touching him. Was I jealous or was it something else?

We shall rip any female....Morrigan went to say but I cut her off because Ryan was speaking again.

"Yes and no. She doesn't know I'm her mate." He said sadly. I felt a sudden rush of pity. I wanted to help him but I didn't know how. "She is beautiful.... brave and strong" He said grinning at me. I wanted to be the girl he was talking about I suddenly thought in my head. She sound Strong and brave unlike me. I thought grimly. Why was I so weak and petty?

He squeezed my small, pale hand. The pack house was just in sight now. I was in no mood to meet anyone. I hated being around people they were too loud for me. I felt alone and a sudden rush of fear as I look out to the pack house.

The pack house was massive. It had at least three floors. It was made out of wood and glass. The wood was painted a deep, rich brown. The second fall was made completely out of glass. If you had read or watched the film twilight then you might have thought it was the Cullen’s house but the house seemed happier and wilder somehow. You could see much thought had gone into making this house; the fact in had a massive area where you could park at least five cars made it clear that this house was built for many people.

We had stopped walking and Ryan was watching me as I looked onto the pack house. His emerald eyes felt like they burnt right though the walls I had put up when I had ran away. I could feel my wolf grow excited as Ryan watched us.

"Why do you live on your own?" Ryan blurted out in a rush. He then seemed to go a bright shade of red before looking away. "Er sorry...You don't have to answer that..." But I wanted to answer that but not yet. I thought as I watched him. I had always watched people but meeting Ryan I had been watching a lot more lately. He was changing me but was that a good thing or not. Did I want to be changed? I thought my life away from my family was better but what if I had a life with Ryan? Would it be better? I shook my head trying to shake that thought away. There was no Ryan and me. He had a beautiful mate. Someone he loved.

I felt a growl escape my lips before I could stop myself. Ryan jumped to a branch taking me with him. He pushed me behind him and I was crushed to his back by his arm around my waist. He looked around for danger. Why was he trying to protect me? Was it because of Rohanna? Maybe he thought if he saved me then he doesn't have to bother with me anymore.

"No I do not think that...."He said. Had I said that out loud?

Yep Morrigan said giggling to herself. She was a mad old wolf.

"So why are you looking out for me? I am nothing to you. I saved your sister so what...I asked for nothing in return, so why?" I wanted to know, no I needed to know.

He sighed before dropping to the floor. Seeing there was no danger. He held out his hand for me but I did not take it. I jumped I saw Ryan was holding his breath in till I stood up unharmed. What was that about?

"You act as if you care why?" I demanded anger boiling to the surface. I never normally this rude but the more I got to know about Ryan the more I wanted to stay with him and I wanted to know why!! I didn't want any heart break when he found his mate and leaves me. I felt my heart break as soon as I thought of him leaving me.

My head was so full of emotions. It was like a box room full of old junk that at any moment it would burst open and throw all the junk out. I wanted them out of my head. I needed to get away but I wanted answers so I knew what I was running from. I felt Morrigan whimper at my thought of running. I wanted to scream in confusion!  

"You know I was talking about mates?" I nodded "Well you know they are your mate when you touch them...err you feel sparks?" I nodded for him to carry on....I still didn't understand.


"Er how can I put this...I feel the sparks every time we touch?" It sounded like a question. What was he trying to say? My face must have given it away. He sighed before dropping the biggest bomb shell of my life. Bigger than me being a werewolf (and that saying something!)

"We are mates!"


I hope this was longer enough for you. I wanted to end it there so I know what is going to happen next. I hope you liked it!!! Sorry for any mistakes....

I will try and make my chapters longer from now on but I can't always...My brain starts to hurt and sometimes that means I need to sleep!!!

Thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you like it.




Ps what do you think so far?

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