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Author Pov:

"Hey don't beat him!" A small girl shouted and the two fat boys stepped behind to see her interfering in their talks.

"Who are you to order us?" A fatty boy asked, as he examined her from head to toe who was clutching her school bag tightly.

"I'm your mother!" She huffs making the two boys to laugh at her. They shifted their attention to the young boy behind them having a slight cut on his cheeks.

"Do you know her?" The second fat boy asked and the young boy shook his head not bothering to even answer.

His dark black Oceanic eyes fixed on her hazel eyes and he stepped forward.

"Next time, bring our lunch on time." The fatty bully exclaimed before murmuring something in the young boy's ear who curled his palm in fist.

"Let's go.." The two of them exited the terrace of their school and she pouts sadly when she saw him hissing by the cut on his cheeks.

"Here.." She nervously glanced at him whose dark and cold gaze shifted to her. She was holding a hello kitty bandage in her hands..

"What?" His rough tone made her flinch but he remained unbothered to trust a stranger.

"Your cheeks have cut!" She said angrily throwing the bandage on his face making him freeze. He glares and huffs before opening the bandage..

His eyes roamed on the Hello kitty design making him internally groan. She raised her brow at him waiting him to put it on..

"What?" His rough and deep voice send shiver down her spine and she shook her head looking here and there pretending to see nothing..

"Put that on, it will suit you.." She said with a cute smile adorning her face and for a moment he freeze.

He doesn't know how to smile, he had never smiled because he didn't got any reason to show his happiness. Sensing the sudden change on his face she snatched the bandage from his hands..

"I'll put it on.." She said, her smile showing her small white pearls and he shook his head not believing the girl in front of him..

"Give me!" He demanded but she shook her head and stepped back when he stepped forward. His eyes on the bandage in her hands..

"I'll put it.." She said childishly and he shook his head not wanting anyone to touch him.

"Okay, then I'm going!" He declared and she widen her eyes when she saw him turning around and stuffing his hands on his pockets before walking towards the exit door.

"Okay, take it." He stopped hearing her sad voice and turned around to see her forwarding the bandage in her hands to his direction.

For a moment, he felt different seeing her sad face. Her doe hazel eyes dropped down and she pouts sadly making him groan..

"Do it." She nodded jumping running in his direction like a kangaroo. The light in her eyes returned back when he agreed..

Just she was about to miss a step, he held her shoulders stabling her to her place and she grinned mischievously before blowing his cut and then cleaning it with his handkerchief.

He stiffened when she touched his cheeks delicately like he was made up of glass. Then with soft air she blowed the injured area making him wince..

"Did I hurt you?" She asked as he shook her head wanting her to continue what she left..

Nodding, her attention shifted towards the bandage and she putted it on his cheeks. For the whole time his cold gaze fixed on her chubby face. Her hazel eyes shines when the sunlight fall on them..

"Done.." She said and ran to catch her bag sitting down on the floor and patting the side to tell him to sit down. He nodded his head and sat on the floor..

"Take this." She handed him a sandwich slice and took the other half while he looked at her with certain emotions that how could she trust a complete stranger and sharing food..

"I'm not gonna eat this." He argued and she widen her eyes seeing him handing her the slice back. She scoffs..

"It's made by my buddy" He furrowed his brows and looks at her with confused look on his face..

"Buddy?" A certain emotion of jealousy lingered in his voice and she grinned before taking a bite and making sounds..

"My father!" She shurgged and he froze on his place. He didn't knew what was the feeling of having a father because he never had one..

"What's your name?" She asked..

"And why should I tell you?" He asked taking a bit of the sandwich which tasted audible and good.

"Because I helped you?" Her doe eyes narrowing him and he chuckled at her. For the first time in his life he have chuckled and that too because of her..

"Then in return you should also tell me. Deal?" He asked, a playful aura surrounding him and he eagerly waited for her response who nodded..

"My name is Sin!" He said and she with confused looks on her face turned to face him..

"Sin?" Confusingly she asked hearing a new name..

"Now Yours?" She wiggled her brows and stood up on her toes as he followed her actions eyeing her with intensity of knowing her name..

"Why should I tell you?" She mimicked him making cute funny faces and again a chuckle left his lips..

"Aye good girl shouldn't cheat!" He said and she puffed out and said..

"So, my name is ha.." Before she could say something or tell him her own name she heard her father's voice filled with worry..

"I'll never leave you, meet you soon!" She heard a deep whisper in her ears and turning around she didn't saw him. Her eyes widen seeing not a single presence around the area..

"My daughter..." Her father shouted again and she pouted before taking her bag and exiting the terrace floor with a sad look..

"Princess, where were you?" She smiled at her father before placing her head on his chest hugging him tightly who picked her up in his embrace.

"I saved someone." A mere whisper left her lips before her father could hear it, soft snores echoes in his ears and he smiles before patting her back..

"Only mine, bellissima!" His voice had a promise in it, that no matter what one day he will come back to get her..


Present Author Pov:

The cold wind brushes against her delicate skin, causing her to squirm in her spot. Exhausted from the long day, her eyes droop downwards. Her hands tremble as they come into contact with the icy water she is sitting in.

"Quite impressive and courageous, isn't it?" She hears a mocking voice, causing her body to freeze as her unknown husband, whom she recently married, comes into her line of sight.

"Please..." she whispers, her body temperature dropping and her clothes intensifying the cold. A groan escapes her lips as she feels more ice being added.

"I enjoy cold showers, so why don't you try it out for me?" His cold voice is even colder than the water she is submerged in. She pleads with her eyes, but he simply shrugs his shoulders.

Her body loses all sensation as the water becomes even colder. Her hands and legs go numb, and she shivers as she looks at him, his full attention fixated on her.

He moves closer, his warm breath brushing against her lips as he whispers in her ear.

"Just one more hour to go, bellissima."


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