Royal Elegance- 1 (Meeting Someone)

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Author Pov:

"Finish the task quickly!" The young man clenched his teeth, observing the two armed soldiers standing before him. He let go of his weapon, a sly smile forming on his lips as he balled his fist.

His dark eyes sparkled mischievously as he charged towards them with a grunt. Throwing punches and delivering a kick to the back of one soldier, he swiftly pulled out a knife and slit the soldier's throat. Blood splattered, and he turned his attention to the other soldier who had a gun aimed at his head.

"Hands up!" the guard exclaimed, his voice trembling as he saw the young man smirking at him, fully aware of what was to come.

"Go ahead and try!" the young man whispered deeply and huskily, causing the guard to loosen his grip on the gun. Determined, he tightened his hold on the weapon.

"I'll kill you, so put your hands up!" the guard yelled, but the young man remained unfazed. His eyes darkened as the guard loaded his gun. Suddenly, two boys appeared beside the guard, shooting him with silenced weapons.

The guard's body collapsed to the floor. The two boys grinned and fist-bumped each other, then turned their attention to the young man.

"Taesin, shall we go?" Ezra asked, raising an eyebrow at Taesin, who glared at him in response.

"That was supposed to be my kill!" he declared, his voice deepening as Dante, the second eldest, placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.

"Alright, next time the kills are all yours," Dante said, and Taesin brushed his hand away, walking towards the entrance with an iron rod placed by the door.

"Deal!" he shouted, and Dante and Ezra nodded in agreement.

Ezra whispered into his earpiece, "Aaron, quickly hack the cameras and prevent them from recording any further." He observed Taesin advancing with an iron rod, mercilessly attacking anyone who crossed his path.

"On it!" Aaron's voice came through the earpiece as his fingers instinctively navigated towards the hacking computer in front of him.

"Vito, follow Taesin. He's alone!" Vito acknowledged with a nod and hurried in the direction Dante had gone, hoping to locate Taesin.

"Ivan, prepare the load. Await Taesin's command and release the bomb," Ezra commanded, disconnecting the earpiece and moving forward.

Ivan positioned himself on the terrace, ready to drop the bomb onto the building directly in front of him. His gaze remained fixed on Taesin, whose blood-soaked clothes indicated the violence he had unleashed.

"That's my brother," Ivan muttered, his demeanor turning serious as Taesin's arm was severed. He began to breathe rapidly, fully focused on the situation.

"Vito, the chandelier!" Vito glanced up at the chandelier, noticing the numerous guards positioned beneath it. A cunning smile formed on his lips as he aimed his knife at the rope holding the chandelier.

"Thanks, Kiddo," Ivan grumbled, his voice audible but ignored as he kept his attention on Dante.

"Dan, take down Taesin!" The two brothers halted their actions and crouched down. The knife sliced through the rope, causing the chandelier to crash onto the guards below.

The screeching sound filled the air, leaving everyone frozen in place as they witnessed the blood splattering everywhere.

The air was filled with silence, only the sound of breathing could be heard. The screeching voice of electricity made them aware of the dangerous situation surrounding them.

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