Chapter 4: Kalis of the Sun

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"Are you alright, Lawrence?"

"Yes, don't worry, Lawrice, I'm not hurt, I just lost consciousness. I'm sorry if I made you worry."

"If only I have my body, then I could have helped you."

"Don't think about it. You helped them when I fainted. You used your power to immobilize that pugot, no matter how fleeting. Stop worrying now, I promise you, we'll return to how we previously were."

"I hope so... Thank you, my beloved twin."

"Aren't you being a little too affectionate?"



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Not far from where they are, Roan saw a container lying where the pugot vanished. She took it and checked the inside, there she found a scroll made from leather. She unscrolled it. There's something written in an ancient form of writing... "It's a spell... But how can a pugot have a magick scroll?" she thought. Pugots are known to be really strong physically, but they don't have the ability to use any sort of magick.

On the other hand, Alexander senses the stares of the people around him. He may not hear any mumbles, but he can feel that he's unwanted here. He knew that the people here were afraid of him, they're thinking he might lay a curse on anyone in that village. He thought of leaving to dodge the judgemental thoughts of the people staring at him, but then Lawrence talked.

"Thanks for your help, Alexander." he said and smiled.

Alexander lost his thoughts right then, he can't seem to peel his eyes off Lawrence. "D-Don't mention it." is all that he could reply. In that fleeting moment, he totally forgot the uneasiness he felt from the villagers.

"Roan, come, let's continue our lunch!" Lawrence shouted. Roan placed the scroll inside her purse and ran towards the two gentlemen.

Lawrence turned to Alexander, "Join us." He said and smiled.

Alexander would have refused, but he didn't. He can't explain why he did not refuse the young man, it's like he swallowed his tongue and lost his ability to talk. He really doesn't know what happened to him. "Am I bewitched?" He thought.

They walked their way to the eatery. They occupied the same table as before. It's now clean, though, the food they left were put away. A woman, around her forty's, approached them and served them newly cooked food. Three servings of steamy rice and a pot of sinigang, a pork dish cooked in tamarind soup with some leafy vegetables. There's also leche flan for dessert.

"Thank you for slaying the pugot. Many were injured, some were even killed..." The woman stopped and took a deep breath, "...but without you here, it's not unlikely that we, everyone in this village, were killed by that pugot."

"Has it always been like this?" Lawrence asked the woman while he scoop the sinigang using a ladle made from a coconut shell and wood handle. He served a bowl to Roan...

"Give Alexander a bowl too." said Lawrice in Lawrence's head. Lawrence wanted to ask why but he didn't, he don't want the people around him to think that he's talking to himself, so he just scooped another serving and handed it to Alexander, before serving one for himself.

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