Chapter 25.02: Awakened Demoness (Part 2)

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The goddess Aman-Sinaya returned to the island of mist to look for clues about what really happened to the island. She decided to sit and look at the surroundings. She was in deep thoughts when suddenly she felt a curiously familiar aura for a fleeting moment. It was faint, like something's blocked it to prevent her from sensing it, but she's sure it's the aura of someone dear to her.

She clenched her fist as she spoke the name, "Dalisay..."


As Roan float in mid-air, everyone who looks at her felt fear grow within their hearts. The aura emanating from her were like tentacles of flame that devastate anything, structures and living thing alike, that comes in contact with it.

Lawrence dashed to Noiram and asked, "Is that really Roan?"

"I'm afraid that she is indeed lady Roan." The bard responded. He also couldn't believe it, but he couldn't deny the fact that he saw with his own eyes how the usually calm lady transformed into a dreadful demoness in front of them.

Roan is in a trance-like state where she recognizes no one. Her destructive aura was out of control, slamming and burning everything to ashes. Everyone, both foes and allies alike, tried to stop the flame tentacles, but their swords just melt against its hellish heat.

One tentacle was rushing to Alexander so fast that he knew that he couldn't avoid it in his current condition. His eyes widened at the flames approach him. In just a blink of an eye, he was carried by the masked man to safety. He saw how his previous location was engulfed by the destructive flames.

Alexander, the masked man, Nate, Lei, Dancho, Drystan, Lawrence, Jifu, and Noiram gathered near the castle entrance. They know they have to set aside the war and come up with a plan to stop the greater threat that's destroying the capital.

"If this continues the entire capital will fall into ruins in just a matter of minutes!" Nate shouted.

"There is no need to state the obvious!" Lei hissed back.

"So what do you plan to do?" Nate barked back.

"Now, now, shouting wouldn't solve anything." Lawrence said, "The first thing that we have to do is to lure Roan away from the capital."

"Good idea." Drystan seconded.

"Then what?" Dancho asked.

"Kill her, of course!" Nate said, "The question is how do we kill that thing!"

"No!" both Lawrence and Noiram were against the idea of killing their friend.

"There is no need to kill her, I'm guessing she's just confused." Lawrence explained.

"Besides, slaying a lady having such beauty would be such a waste." Dancho said while beholding Jifu with admiration.

"Stop staring at my body, Dancho, or I will poke your eyes out!" Jifu barked and covered her chest with her shawl.

Lei just sneered at Dancho while the later just shrugged.

"We just need to calm her down, but the problem is, who will lure her away from the capital? None of us has the speed to do the job in our current condition." Drystan said after analyzing everyone.

"Surely none of you have forgotten about me." A voice said sarcastically. They all turned and saw Ken dripping wet. The ice that covered him somehow thawed after being hit by one of the flaming tentacles.

"I'll accompany you. I can feel my body's being restored." Said Alexander. The masked man nodded, saying he'll come with them.

"Good, we now have our lurers. The rest of us will rescue the residents." Said Lei.

"You!" Jifu called for Noiram, "The two of us will support them."

"As you wish, milady." Noiram bowed his head and prepared his instrument.

"Royal Guards, move!" Lei signaled. Dancho and Drystan rushed to the church to make sure the evacuated citizens are safe.

"I still prefer the demoness dead." Said Nate.

"Forget it!" Lawrence said before departing. Nate responded with a smirk before going his way.

Noiram started plucking the strings of his instrument while Jifu started shaking her hips and ankles. Their performance started boosting their all their comrade's morale. Their war cry was heard through the entire capital as they march forward to protect the kingdom.

Ken jumped from roof to roof until he was about ten meters in front of Roan. He puts his fingers into his mouth and whistled to get Roan's attention but it seems like she didn't hear him.

He whistles once more, but again, Roan didn't respond.

Alexander crafted an arrow from a piece of wood then loaded it on his bow. He aimed carefully, making sure he won't hurt Roan.

"Triangle Shot!!"

He released the arrow and it splits into three parts, forming a triangle. The arrows hit a hair strand and parts of Roan's clothes before burning. This caught Roan's attention.

Roan didn't recognize Alexander; all she sees is that they are her enemies who want to hurt her. She shouted in anger as she moved to crush them using her aura.

"That worked well..." Ken said, "Now we have to run... Fast!" he added as he leaped to a nearby roof. Alexander and the masked man followed.

Meanwhile, the man in the shadows bit his lips in frustration when he understood what Ken and Alexander were trying to do. He wanted to stop the two from executing their plan but he couldn't leave for he needs to continuously chant the spell he casted earlier.

Noiram noticed the invisible barrier erected around the capital. He informed Jifu that he will increase the tempo of his music while Jifu danced faster. Their combined performance created a distorting wave in the air which targeted the barrier. A creaking sound was heard as a crack was drawn across the barrier.

"Meddlesome idiots!" The hiding man in the shadows growled as his spell was slowly breaking. He intensified his spell by chanting louder and faster. The crack on the barrier slowly faded.

Then all of a sudden, it started to drizzle even though the sun is still high.

Just below the branch where the hiding man was standing, a bottle was thrown that produced a cloud of smoke. From the smoke, a vine started to grow which attacked the hiding man. This interrupted his chant, breaking the spell in the process.

"Who in the..." he hissed in anger as he looked at who threw the bottle. He saw a young lady wearing fancy clothes, the other was a creature with a lower body of a horse and upper body of a woman.

"This can't be!" he said in surprise.

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