Chapter 25.04: Awakened Demoness (Part 4)

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In the blue sky with a few cottony white clouds, the sun peeks and its rays bless the land with light and warmth. Small beads of water sparkles as the sun's rays pass through them, refracting the light and creating a colorful rainbow in the sky. Under the beautiful and majestic arc of colors, five balls of fire suddenly appeared and came rushing down to the earth below.

The once peaceful land where the melodic chirps of the birds and the sound of the swaying leaves in the gentle breeze was replaced by a chain of explosions followed by the sound of flapping wings of the birds and the cries of the small animals escaping danger.

Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

A wave of deafening silence ruled the entire land after the blasts as dark smoke drifts in the air with the odor of burnt leaves and grass.

The anggitay gasped as she habitually puts her hands over her mouth, worried for the flower child who took the fireball hits directly. She knew that an adult blasted by the fireballs could be turned to ashes by the intense heat, what more if the one that has been hit is a mere child. She refused to imagine the tragic fate of the flower boy.

"Burn! Burn! Burn!" Dyllon yells and guffawed his lungs out like a crazy man which made his shoulders shake violently. He brushed the loose hair hanging over his face to the side of his head using his fingers and inhaled in relief like a large thorn was removed from his throat. "Poor boy, it only lasted a fleeting moment. Life is truly fragile like a delicate... flower." He said, shaking his head lightly followed by a mocking laugh.

But his celebration was abruptly stopped when he noticed the relaxed expression on Hanah's face where there's not even a slight trace of anxiousness. He averted his gaze to the thick smoke and saw the figure of a closed flower bud.

The flower boy, Gumello, actually managed to receive the hit by concealing itself in its petals. What's more surprising is that the petals showed not a single trace of damage. This made Dyllon's eyes almost pop out of their sockets in shock and disbelief.

"Gumello..." Hanah's gentle voice called the homunculus' name. Just like an obedient little boy who was called by his mother, the flower bud opens, revealing the boy unscratched. The boy pointed its tiny finger at Dyllon, then countless vines came out of the flower's trunk, darting towards him.

Dyllon jumped and floated in the air, flying higher in an attempt to escape the vines. He raised his hand in the air and concentrated his spiritual energy on his hand.

"Wind Blade!!"

A one-meter wide disk of sharp wind appeared on his hand and threw it at the vines.

Some of the vines were cut while Gumello managed to control the others to dodge the sharp wind. Then the vines that were cut grew back just like nothing happened.

Dyllon produced more Wind Blades and threw them one after another towards the vines. However, no matter how many sharp winds he sends to cut the vines, they just grow back.

He gritted his teeth in frustration as beads of sweat started to form on his forehead.

He raised both of his hands and produced an even larger Wind Blade, five times than normal, throwing it right at Gumello in an attempt to cut the flower boy in half.

As if it was expecting it, Gumello counter-attacked by fanning the giant Wind Blade with one of its huge leaves. This created a small whirlwind with an opposite spin that collided with the Wind Blade. When the wind blade passed through the whirlwind, its spin was drastically slowed down like molasses until it was reduced into a gentle, cool breeze just strong enough to sway the flower boy's already messy hair.

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