Chapter 14: The Moon Eater Awakens

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Roan remained still like a rock, still shocked, while tears continued to fall from her eyes. She remained kneeling beside the stalagmite that killed her beloved friend. She felt extreme resentment deep within her heart, she couldn't accept the fact that the anggitay died using her own hands.

Talon approached and sat beside her. "Eeeeehhhh..." it cried as if telling her 'be strong', but Roan had no response. The pilandok licked her hands, extending its sympathy.

Darkness ruled the sky as the sun sets, but Roan remained kneeling beside the rock spike.

"Roan, don't blame yourself, it is not your fault that my sister died." King Patas held her shoulder but it seems as if Roan didn't hear nor feel him.

"She's wrapped in sorrow. Seems we couldn't do anything for now, your highness." Ben appeared sitting on the balete tree as countless fireflies surround him.

"I didn't expect what had happened. I didn't do anything to help my sister. I also couldn't do anything for Roan. I feel like I'm such a useless brother and leader." Patas closed his eyes, breath deeply.

"Your highness, no one wished that to happen. Whoever that man is, I'm sure he planned everything." Ben looked at the pitiful condition of Roan. "I just hope that she could overcome this trial..."

"...if not, a bitter end is about to come before us." It was Patas who continued what Ben was about to say


"Ay, tikbungan naka ning alte!(Oh, struck by lightning!)" the woman shouted in surprise using her province's dialect when Alexander suddenly embraced her from behind. She turned to look at the young man, "Aro kasanting a yalte kanine.(Wow, what a handsome lightning.)" she said and smiled when she saw him.

Alexander looked at her attentively and got disappointed. She wasn't his mother. "M-My apologies, missus." Is all that he said and released the woman.

"Ima, ninanu ka?(Mother, what happened to you?)" asked Jifu when she got out of the hut with wheels. She panicked when she heard her mother shouting earlier.

"It's you, Alexander. I'm glad that you could come." She said when she saw the engkanto.

"T'is young man, 'e embraced me out of now'ere. 'E startled me." The woman explained to her daughter, trying to use a neutral language. Since their local dialect doesn't have the consonant letter 'H', she got used to not using the letter when she speaks.

"I hast mistaken her for someone else. I apologize." Alexander bowed his head as he sincerely apologizes.

"Mother is practicing for her role later. I suggest you just wait at the audience seats. Our play will start soon."

"Is that so? Alright, thank thee." Alexander replied. He turned and faced the woman, "I apologize again. I shall take my leave." He bowed his head again and left the area. He was embarrassed by what he did earlier but at the same time, he regretted that the woman wasn't his mother. He took a deep breath and shook the thought out of his head and continued walking back to the spectators' area.

Alexander saw Alehandro at the entrance talking with a man with fine clothes. He couldn't hear them clearly because of the noise of the spectators coming in, but based on the tone of their voice, they were arguing.

"I will never forgive you for leaving me!" the only sentence that he heard properly but he couldn't distinguish who said that. He just shrugged and walked back to his seat.

Slowly, the entire plaza was filled with spectators. Most of them turn their heads to Alexander, obviously showing their admiration for him. Alehandro also returned and sat beside him, his face showing a hint of anger.

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