Chapter 25.05: Awakened Demoness (Part 5)

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In a deep and dark place, a void where one's thoughts and memories reside, a stream of bubbles flowed restless like a river during a storm. Within this stream, two similar figures were standing face to face.

These figures are naturally Roan and an unknown shadow who claims that she is the real Roan.

"No!! This is my body and this is my mind you are in right now! I demand you to leave or else...!" Roan shouted as she clenched her hands tightly into a fist.

After hearing what the shadow explained to her, she couldn't accept it, she will never accept such nonsense. Who would be a fool to believe that one's existence is merely a replacement while another is asleep inside one's mind? Surely that fool isn't Roan.

"Make me." The other Roan responded with a wry smile across her lips. A savage flaming aura started to emerge around her.

Seeing this, Roan's reaction became serious, knowing that she's facing a powerful opponent based on the aura around her. She spread her right hand and extended it upward, her left hand's index and middle fingers on her forehead, mumbling as she channeled a strong spiritual energy.

"Fire Balls!!"

Five balls of fire broke through the dark sky of the void when they appeared by the summon of Roan. With a wave of her hand, these balls of fire fell with terrifying speed towards the shadow.

The shadow sensed that these fire balls possesses strong spiritual energy, however, she remained calm as the fire balls grew larger in her eyes. "I can see that your spiritual power had increased a little. But I'm afraid that your power is still far beyond reaching mine." The shadow sneered. Without even lifting a finger, her flaming aura effortlessly deflected them, blasting all five balls of fire into the nothingness.

Roan's pupils shrunk when she saw this. Though that magick is just considered a low-level spell, it still holds powerful spiritual energy that can set a forest in flames, but it was deflected effortlessly by this shadow's aura.

Roan barraged different spells, one after another, but no matter what spell she used, they were all deflected by the aura as if the magicks she unleashed were just annoying, insignificant insects swatted into pulp.

The shadow extended her hand, inviting Roan to come closer. "Be a good girl and surrender yourself to your fate. I know it's hard to accept but there is no way to escape your destiny. Don't worry, I will take care of your friends and I will avenge our parents."

After hearing those words, a bubble passed by Roan's face where the faces of her parents were together, smiling at her. It was the memory when she was still a little girl playing on the beach and her parents came to call her for lunch. She can still recall clearly how happy they were eating together.

"Ama, Ina..."

A warm tear dripped from her eye across her cheek.

"Listen to me, Roan, I have the power to avenge them. Isn't that what you wanted all along? To avenge their death?" The shadow with fiery-red hair floated near Roan. She held Roan's face and wiped the tear on Roan's face using her thumb. "If you let me take over, you can finally rest and give justice to our parents. Believe me, I can do that."

Roan stared right into the eyes of the shadow that looks exactly like her. She can see the sincerity of her words in those eyes. It was now that she felt tired of venturing through the world in search for powerful magicks. All along she wanted to have power; the power to give justice to her parents' death. Now she had finally found someone who can do it for her, she can finally lay to rest.

Roan nodded her head and gently closed her eyes.

The corner of the lips of the shadow gently raised, forming a seemingly gentle smile. She embraced Roan into her arms and the savage flaming aura started to cloak her.

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