Chapter 8: The Gentle Palm

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"So handsome, isn't he? His hair is so shiny, and it seems his lips are good to kiss."

"Oh yes, and his body's splendid. Look at his muscles, his biceps... oh, I'd do anything to be embraced in those arms. I wonder who he is."

"Maybe an adventurer. I pity him, he looks really tired."

Alexander woke up with all those murmurs. He realized he fell asleep under a tree when he decided to rest during his travel. He saw two girls−around twelve to thirteen−ran and hide behind the tree across the road. He snickered when he saw them peek at him. He stood up and approached the two girls.

"What place is this?" he asked.

They nudged each other with their elbows, both obviously feel shy to answer him. One of them pushed the other, the reason why one accidentally hugged Alexander.

Her face turned red, "Ahhh... Ehhh... Yellow Arrow Village, a part of the kingdom of Gansia." she said then looked down in embarrassment.

"I see... Thank thee." Alexander replied with a smile. He turned around to resume his travel when one of the girls called him.

"Wait, mister!" Alexander furrowed, he turned his head to look at them. "If you need a place to rest, you may come to our inn." the girl said.

He agreed and walked with the two girls to the inn they were talking about. They arrived in a place with a lot of people. He wondered why the people around him didn't show any sign of fear, instead, they turn their heads at him as if they're admiring his looks. This seems to be odd for him, it's the first time he arrived in a new place where not a single person is afraid of him.


"Lambo..." Lawrence read the signboard at the entrance to a town. He stepped into the town. After this town is Pampang, the capital of the Kingdom of Gansia.

While walking, he felt something hard in his pocket. He slid his hand into his pocket to draw it out, it's a circular ornament with something embossed on it. It's an eagle with wings spread wide and it seems to be landing on a tree branch. Around it are ancient letters that he can't read. There's a red tassel attached on it. His brows raised as he wonders where the ornament came from.

"Lawrice, are you awake?" he asked in his head.

"Yes, why?" she replied.

"Do you know where this came from?"

The voice in Lawrence's head didn't respond as if she didn't expect his twin brother to ask about it.

"Lawrice, are you still there?"

"Y-Yes I am." she said stuttering.

"You didn't answer my question. Are you hiding something from me?" he's sulking. Never did his sister hid something from him.

"It's not like that, Lawrence..." she sighs. "Do you remember when you were walking in the woods while you're on the way to Barrio Masangsang?"

"Is it when you told me to take a rest, is that it?"

They were interrupted talking when suddenly, a cow with a raft dashed passed by Lawrence. There's a crying child on the raft.

"Help! My poor baby, please help!" cry of a woman running, chasing the furious cow.


Lawrence was about to run to chase it when suddenly, the cattle collapsed. Dust clouded the area. The people were terrified of what they saw.

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