Chapter 18: A Bard's Magick

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"I think ye art good. Ye just hast to practice." Said Alexander while shaking Marco's hair.

"I will, kuya. Thank you!" Marco embraced Alexander tightly. He was so happy that Alexander taught him the tricks he know in playing yoyo.

"Anything for thee, tutoy." Alexander said. "We should eat now. Go on ahead to the dining hall, I will just get money."

"Okay!" Marco shouted excitedly as he stormed out of their room while playing with his yoyo. Pepe was behind him, looking at the yoyo as it spins.

As soon as Marco gets out of the door, he hears a weird man talking to himself standing in front of the door just nest to their room.

"Kuya are you sure you can get the materials?" asked Lawrice in Lawrence's head.

"Yes. Though I don't know where to find them." He replied.

"We already met an anggitay, maybe we should return to the East forest to ask her if she can give us a few of her fur." Lawrice suggested.

"Yes, that's what I'm thinking about. But Hanah also said that there is an engkanto nearby. That's why I'm thinking that we should get the kiss first." Said Lawrence.

"Yes, but we also know an engkanto, don't we?" Lawrice wanted to protest, but she doesn't want her brother to have a hint.

"Yes, but we don't know where to find him." Lawrence frowned. "And I also don't know how to convince a male to kiss me. Tsk! For heaven's sake, I don't even know if I could stand being kissed by a man!"

Marco's brows furrowed looking at the weirdo. Lawrence noticed the boy with a puzzled look at him.

Lawrence showed an awkward smile.

Marco shrugged and walked pass by him.

Pepe looked at Lawrence then followed Marco. Its butt shakes from side to side as it walks.

"This is your fault! That boy probably thinks that I'm a lunatic!" Lawrence hissed as he opened the door to his room. Lawrice chuckled.

As soon as Lawrence closed the door behind him, the door next to their room opened. Alexander gets out from it and walked, but he stopped right at the front of the next room. He looked at the door. He sensed the presence of people inside. He heard a familiar voice.

"Maybe my ears were just playing tricks on me." He said to himself then continued walking to the dining hall.

As soon as Alexander entered the dining hall, he saw Marco was being scolded by a man. He quickly walked there to know what happened.

"Kuya!" Marco embraced Alexander as soon as he saw him coming.

"Is that boy your brother?!" said the angry man. Alexander looked at the man, he was familiar to him.

"Yes, he is my brother. What supposed to be the problem?" Alexander asked politely while rubbing Marco's head gently to comfort him.

"Your brother and his pig were running like animals in the wild, they tripped the waitress! Look at what they did to my lord!" the man shouted. The pointed his hand at a man sitting at the next table who was wiping food stains on his clothes with a handkerchief.

"I am deeply sorry for what my brother did and I am sure my brother is sorry for what had happened as well." Alexander said in full sincerity as he bowed his head to the man sitting.

"It's you again." Said the man. "You may leave us now." He said to the man who shouted earlier. The man bowed his head then left the place.

"Yes, we hast met this morning. I am sorry for the accident my brother caused. I will just pay for the damage." Alexander offered.

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