Chapter 23: Fall of a Lover

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"I'm sorry... Minggan..." Roan whispered to herself while looking at the back of the giant who was leaving.

"What is it?" Noiram asked.

"N-Nothing. I just said I want fresh young coconut." Roan made up a lie, she doesn't want Noiram to know what she was thinking.

"Coconut at this late time?" Noiram asked while scratching his nape. "It's already dark, how can I climb coconut trees for the fruit?"

Roan couldn't help but release a laugh because of what Noiram said. "What I said is I want coconut, I didn't say get me some."

"Is that so?" he scratched his name embarrassed of his assumption. "I really thought you want me to get you some." He added. Besides, he knows that a gentleman should make sure that he keeps a lady happy.

"There is no need." Roan responded as she flipped her golden hair. She turned her back at Noiram and faced a nearby coconut tree.

"Pangisnawang mamiye biye, sesese kareng gang lilangan, pakiramdaman me ing cacung awus, gawan ing cacung buburian!"

"Wind Blade!!"

With a sharp circular wind she sent flying towards a bunch of coconuts, a loud thud can be heard as soon as they fell to the ground.

She turned around to look at Noiram and said, "See? No sweat!"

Noiram scratched his forehead as he walked to pick up the coconut fruits. He looked at each fruit which is as big as his head, he then had an idea to impress the lady.

He took his instrument and plucked the strings. The vibrations in the air created a crescent-shaped sharp wind flying towards a coconut, slicing it, creating a small opening.

Her brows raised as she nods, "Not bad." She said as she walked and picked up the coconut and drank the fresh water from it. With a smile on her face, she tossed it in the air as she chanted a spell. Using the Wind Blade, she sliced the coconut in half. "Dig in." She sat and took one of the halves and scooped the flesh using a piece of hard husk that was cut off earlier.

Shaking his head, Noiram sat in front of her and took the other half of the coconut. They went on showing off their skills in cutting the rest of the coconut fruits.


Lawrence and Alexander had a hard time warding off the offending army of pintados. They were obviously outnumbered and the flood prevents them from laying a firewall and sticky substance on the ground, leaving the cannons useless. If only that mysterious cloaked man who brought forth the flood didn't appear they wouldn't have a hard time with these ruthless pintados.

With the castle cannons being useless because of the flood, Lei also joined the battle. Using her revolvers, she's shooting in every angle with full mastery. Each shout creates a thundering noise, being her signature. The guards watched her every move with full awe as they shout her nickname, "Kidlat!"

Lawrence dodged an incoming slash that was directed at his neck, counter attacking with a side kick then he brandished his spear to send the assaulter flying making it crash ten meters away. He couldn't help but click his tongue seeing his spear drenched in thick blood, dripping into the flood water creating ripples as it paints the water crimson.

His spear was never drenched in human blood before. Though he has fought other humans in the past, he tried his best not to injure them using the blade of his spear. Never did he thought that a time would come that he will be forced to do such a thing.

While Lawrence was thinking these, Lawrice forcefully took control his body.


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