Chapter 13: Confusion and a Great Loss

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The goddess Aman-Sinaya was still looking for the survivor. While in mid-air, she felt something familiar to her. She stopped flying, she's just floating in the air, sensing the familiar energy. "My shield!" she whispered.


All warriors in the island gathered at the temple when they were called by the goddess, their creator.

"Rohan..." the goddess called the name of the head warrior.

He walked forward and knelt before her. "Command me, my goddess, and I shall do the rest!" he said with great respect.

"Take my shield. Use it to protect the island. I need to leave. I'm expecting you to protect the island while I'm gone. This island is hidden, but it would be best if you are prepared just in case someone dared to enter the island." she said.

"You can expect us to protect the island with our lives, my goddess." The leader replied. He stood up and bowed before her before taking the shield.

"Good." she sighed. "I'm deeply sorry if I hidden you. But I promise you that I will bring you with me as soon as I come back for you to see the beauty of the world outside this island." These are her last words before leaving the Island of the Fog.


"Could it be that... Rohan is the survivor?" she asked herself. She hastily fled to where she feels the energy.


While sleeping, Roan felt something on her face. Something warm and wet is touching her cheek. She was tickled. She felt like someone is kissing her. Wet and sloppy kisses... She couldn't help but chuckle.

"Lawrence, that tickles..." still half-asleep.

The warm, soft, and wet thing continued to caress her cheek, she knew it was a tongue, licking her. She decided to open her eyes and stop what she thought to be kissing her.

"Lawrence, it tick−−" she was aghast.

"Idiot! What 'Lawrence' are you talking about?" Mutya snickered while sitting beside her. She also woke up because of Roan's noise.

"Talon, that tickles." Roan just said while her face was so red. She was embarrassed, saying Lawrence's name while half-asleep while the young pilandok was the one kissing her cheek.

"You cannot deny that you like the young man who's with you before. Did he know?" Mutya asked while smiling at Roan.

"Shut up!" Roan stood up and fixed herself. Despite acting unaffected, she feels a tickling sensation inside her because of what the princess said. Yes, she has feelings for the young man, Lawrence, but just like what her mother told her, she needs to waits for the right time.

The anggitay slowly shook her head, she finds Roan's reaction amusing. She may deny it but it's pretty obvious in her actions that she has feelings for that young man. She just stood up and fixed herself as well.

"Uhmm... Mutya." Roan called for the attention of the princess.

"Why?" she asked while her brows were raised.

"Is it okay if... Is it okay I we visit the world of Marina?" Roan asked shyly, her head was bowed, gazing on the ground.

Mutya chuckled. "It's okay. Maybe later, I'm hungry. I will just look for food for us to eat."

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