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Sound of footsteps on the wooden flooring, breaking the silence of the night, echoing all throughout the area.

"Good evening..."

The sound of a lyre's string.

"The full moon's beauty is truly magnificent in a clear night's sky, isn't it? Who wouldn't be captivated by its magnificence? It's like a queen surrounded by its star servants. Every night its face changes as if changing dresses. Sometimes no one can even see it, hiding beneath the clouds like a shy maiden. Truly, full of mystery."

Plucked the lyre's strings again.

"Who would have thought that a long time ago, there is not only one lovely moon in the sky? That everytime our ancestors looks at the sky at night they behold seven majestic moons."

"However, despite the stunning beauty it graces upon us, there are still many people who feel intense fear whenever the full moon shines in the sky. There are a lot of tales spreading that whenever the moon is full, a lot of  undesirable things happening. Why? There are countless reasons."

"Welcome to my humble stage. Tonight, let this humble bard who stand before you tell you a story..."

The sound of strings reverberated.

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