Meeting the Parents (Prince Imagine)

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~ Meeting the Parents ~

Your P.O.V

Prince’s hand gripped tightly around yours as you both made your way down the street. A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. “What’s wrong baby?” you asked, knowing full well the reason he was so apprehensive. “N-noth” he started before clearing his throat, “Nothing mami, I’m fine”. You stopped in front of your house and made your way up the path with Prince trailing behind. Today was the day he finally met your parents. They had wanted to meet him for weeks but he always had an excuse to get out of it. Taking the advantage you had into consideration, you  spent the whole previous evening sharing stories with Prince on all of your other boyfriends. You made sure to emphasize what had happened to those who had messed you around. This obviously didn’t help his situation but it was fun to terrorize him and watch how he played it off like he wasn’t worried at all. Anyone could tell he was shitting it. You rung the doorbell and smirked when you heard Prince’s loud gulp. “I thought you were alright baby” you questioned. “I-i am”

30 minutes later

You sat at the table finishing up your dinner with Jacob next to you and your parents opposite. “So Jacob..” your father began. Time for the interrogation. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Prince tense up a little and lift his gaze to your fathers. “How old are you?” “19 Sir” “And I take you have a good education? Do you have a job? Your not still living off your parents money are you? You know you have to have money coming in from somewhere….(Y/N) earns her own money” Your father raised his eyebrow as if to question whether he was living off your money. “Yes sir, I have a good education as well as my job. My job is my hobby so I spend a lot of my time working towards keeping our dream alive. I’m in a group called Mindless Behavior.” Your father drank from his drink and eyed him as if he was searching for something. “Ohhhh, so your the kid in that group thing. What, you sing a little and hop around the stage or summit? Are you successful? If this little group of yours fails you’ll have nothing and you sure as hell aint living off my daughters earnings.” Prince looked a little taken aback. Your mum shook her head before Prince spoke, “With all due respect Sir, Mindless Behavior isn’t just ‘some little group thing’. Me and my boys have worked hard to get where we are today. Being in the music business takes a lot more then singing a little and ‘hopping around a stage’. We have an extremely loyal fan base, have done many tours and collaborated with numerous successful artists. I hope and pray every day that living this dream is something I will be able to wake up to for the rest of my life. I would also love to spend my days with your daughter by my side.”

Your father raised his eyebrows. You could tell he was quite impressed with Prince. If anything your father loved someone who could stick up for themselves and had the determination to make something of their lives. “Mmmmm…all this touring..this dream..does that mean you have no time for my daughter? She does not deserve to be left alone all the time and I know there are many girls out there who can tempt you into things. I will not allow you to break (Y/N)’s heart.” You looked over at your mum who had been unusually quiet the whole time your father was questioning him. She seemed to be waiting on how Prince would reply to this; as if she was still making her mind up on what he was like and what his motives were. “I admit, being in a relationship and also in a group is a challenge but I love my career and your daughter equally as much. Touring does mean that some times I am away from (Y/N) but we both agree that sometimes in life you have to sacrifice things. As for the fans, yes there are many attractive girls out there but I only have eyes for the beautiful girl sitting right next to me.” Prince took a hold of your hand and looked back at your father. “Trust me when I say I would never want to hurt her”. You looked down smiling. Just as your father was about to speak your mother finally opened her mouth. “I like him (Y/N). You made a good choice. As long as you realize his career will be a challenge you’s will have to face, I approve of him. Jacob..” He looked over to her, “Just make sure you never hurt her, cos I WILL hunt you down and do some serious damage.” She narrowed her eyes and sent him a cold look. His grip on your hand tightened and his eyes grew wide. You chuckled as your mum smiled at you and made her way into the kitchen. “Come Jacob” she called, “You can help me clear the table and tell me more about yourself”


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