Letting A Girl Come Between (Prod Imagine ft. Roc)

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~ Letting a girl come between ~

Craig’s P.O.V

I clutched the paper bag filled with Mc.Donalds in my left hand, the smell of the greasy but delicious food filling my nostrils. I climbed out of the car and locked it to avoid anyone trying to steal my baby. I loved that car almost as much as my girl. Today I had left work early, hoping to surprise my girlfriend (Y/N) with her favourite fast food and maybe venture towards some afternoon sex ;). It was around lunchtime so I prayed she would be home since she was not expecting me back till 5.

I placed the food on the kitchen counter before making my way upstairs. The house was quiet downstairs so I assumed she may be sleeping. As I neared the top steps, I heard a light moan, already knowing who it was coming from. A smirk split my face; she must be ridding herself of some sexual frustration. I opened the door slightly, ready to embarrass her and make a slick comment. 

I froze as I heard a grunt match her heavy panting. My fists clenched as I swung the door open to find a muscular figure bouncing up and down on top of her. Having heard the door slam, both heads snapped in my direction, their eyes and mouths wide open. I squinted at the guy, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. I stepped forward studying his facial features, praying that what I was seeing was a joke. A dream. Anything but real.

Chresanto jumped up, grabbing his boxers and pulling them on before standing in front of me, his arms out as if to stop me. 

"Wait, Craig..it’s not what it looks like!" 

The shock I felt slowly subsided and anger filled it’s place. 

"Not what it looks like?!" I exclaimed; my blood was boiling and I was beginning to see red. His breathing got a little faster and I could see the fear and guilt in his eyes. Never had I snapped on any of the boys, so my actions to him were unpredictable. 

"C-craig, baby" (Y/N) started, tears already falling from her eyes. The glare I sent at her was so hate-filled she closed her mouth and started whimpering. 

"No man I was just- we were- I wasn’t..I wouldn’t"

My chuckle cut his frantic attempts of explaining off. He fell silent and looked at me in confusion, taking a step back. My chuckle turned into an uncontrollable laugh and I grabbed my stomach, steadying myself. 

"What your clothes magically disappeared? Huh? Then you accidentally fell into her pussy?" I laughed again and he tensed up when it abruptly ceased to a stop. I backed him into a wall, the good side of me telling me to stop, but I was way past caring. I was pissed, and at the point I blacked out. 

(Y/N)’s P.O.V

Craig stopped in front of Chres, pausing for a moment before he raised his fist and connected it with his face, knocking him to the floor. Chres clenched his jaw and stood up, only to be knocked back down through multiple punches and kicks. He tried to fight back, but Craig was attacking him with such force it was barely possible. The more he tried to defend himself, the angrier Craig got. I had never seen this side to him; I didn’t know he possessed such strength. After a few minutes, Chres surrendered and took the hits, doing his best to shield his head. 

Once Craig had finished beating the shit out of Chres, he turned to me, his eyes dark and cold. I backed up on the bed, scared I would receive a few blows myself. He glared at me for a few seconds, breathing in and out and gritting his teeth before storming out. I wanted to run after him and tell him it was all a mistake, but I knew I had done him wrong and no amount of words would change that. I looked down at Chres who was slumped against the wall, his eyes closed and his breathing shallow. Blood and bruises were all over his face and I’m sure there would be all over his body by morning. He glanced at me momentarily before looking away. 

They had vowed to never do it, and I wondered how Ray and Jacob would react. They had let a girl come between two brothers…..and it was all my fault.


(Sorry about the length)

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