Last Show (Ray Imagine)

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~ Last Show ~

Your P.O.V

You stood to the left backstage watching the boys perform. This was the last show of the AATW tour so the room was filled with 10x as much energy. Fans were screaming, singing along, dancing..and of course the occasional few who passed out from excitement. You were also enjoying yourself as seeing your man do what he loved most, brought a huge smile to your face. They were half way through performing their single ‘Your Favorite Song’. 

“Oh just like that, I’m in sync with your heartbeat, memories coming back..” Ray turned around whilst pulling off a dancing move winking at you and biting his lip. You chuckled joining in with Prod and singing along with the words.

“So spin this back to back, become your favorite part girl” You were so caught up in the song you didn’t notice anyone had approached you until you felt a tug on your jeans. You looked down and there was little Tay Tay looking up at you and grinning, showing off his small baby teeth. ”(Y/N)” he grinned again. You couldn’t hear him clearly but you knew he had called your name. It took him long enough but you’d finally (with the help of Ray of course) taught him how to say it. You bent down to pick him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You turned around and Ray’s mum, Keisha, was walking up to you, a smile also present on her face. She hugged you as you spoke louder than usual in her ear, “I had no idea you’s were coming down”. You really didn’t, but as always, it was a pleasant surprise. “Yeah, we decided we’d bring the kids out too. Their throwing a bit of a party/get-together after for the last show, we thought we’d surprise Ray by being here.” You nodded and winked, pretending to zip your mouth shut. “Got ya” They disappeared into one of the back rooms while the boys finished up.

30 minutes later 

“Thank you so much for being here tonight ya’ll! This is the last show so we tried to make it extra special! From the bottom of our hearts we love you guys!” 

While the boys said their goodbyes, you slipped off into the backroom where all the food and family members/friends were waiting. As soon as they had quickly changed they were directed into the back. The room was filled with a bunch of cheers and the sound of champagne bottles being popped open. Everyone was sad it was the last show, but they were also relieved as well as ecstatic the tour had done so well. Every show was SOLD OUT which caused for even more celebration. The boys went round hugging and thanking everyone who had showed up, receiving ’well done’s’ along the way.

Prince, Prod and Roc hugged you followed finally by Ray. He grinned and walked over to you lifting you up, spinning you around and kissing you passionately on the lips. Everybody around you awww’d except for Roc who called ‘Get a room’ making everyone laugh. You blushed before being put down, Ray holding on to you from behind. A few seconds later you felt someone squeezing themselves in between you and Ray. You looked down to see Tay Tay frowning. Ray chuckled and bent down to pick him up but Tay Tay pushed him away and raised his arms out to you scowling at his older brother. Ray stood up with a raised eyebrow. “So that’s how it is? How you gone play me like that Tay”. You laughed before lifting Tay up and holding him on your hip. He turned and smirked at Ray before placing his arms around you and resting his head on your shoulder. Prince who had witnessed what happened chuckled. “Look’s like you’ve got some competition there Ray. Tay’s a little jealous” ;) 

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