They Hate Me (Roc Imagine)

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~ They hate me ~

Y/N’s P.O.V

My grip suffocated his hand as he led me to the door of his house. “Chill babe” he said knocking and waiting for someone to appear. My pulse quickened as the door edged open, my eyes laying on a medium sized woman. “Chres” she smiled at him a minute before turning to look at me, her eyes scanning me over.

"Hey ma"

When she had finished looking me up and down she nodded, the only greeting I received a short ‘Mmm’. She turned and disappeared into the house, leaving the door open to let us in. I looked over at Chres to see how he was reacting to his mothers immediate dislike to me, but he ushered me inside before I could open my mouth.

Inside stood his mum, his dad who I had previously met when he picked Chres up one time, and 2 girls that vaguely resembled him.

They all turned in my direction and I felt my face flush, the room becoming incredibly hot. “This is Y/N” he spoke, squeezing my hand. His mum looked at me once more before retreating to the kitchen. His dad nodded to show he acknowledged me and the 2 girls, I’m assuming his sisters, kept their burning stare. 

"Y/N these are my sisters, Prehia and Chi-"

"Yeah yeah, hi, so your this Y/N right?"

And the interrogation begun. 

Hours later I managed to escape the house, making up a belivable lie of my mum needing me. Not that they cared much. His sisters had bore into me the whole time, wanting to know everything and not caring much for the positive things. They kept finding ways to bring me down, Prehia in particular. 

I was clearly not welcomed. I could clarify that when his mum disrespected me and Chres’ choices in front of everyone.

“I don’t know why you didn’t just stay with that Desiree girl”

The tears I had been holding back ran down my face as I hastily walked down the dimly lit street. Chres was hot on my heel. “Y/N….Y/N” he called, grabbing my shoulder and pulling me into his embrace. 

"They hate me Chres, they hate me" I whimpered, burying my face in his neck as he tried to soothe me.

"Shhh it’s okay…if they can’t except it, that’s their problem."

He pulled back, gazing into my eyes and wiping a fresh tear from my cheek,

"It won’t make me love you any less"


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