The Right Decision (Prince & Ray Imagine)

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~ The Right Decision ~

Prince’s P.O.V

I sat down on one of the sunbeds as Ray walked over to the outside bar. (Y/N), his wife was away for the weekend so I came over for some much needed bro time. It was around midnight so the pool was lit up and everything around us was silent. Ray poured some vodka into two small glasses before walking back towards me. He handed me one and sat on the sun bed next to me, leaning back and kicking his feet up. 

"How you been then" he chucked, his face screwing up slightly as he sipped on the strong drink. 

"Errr….there’s been better times" I replied, my voice dismal. 

For the past few weeks me and the boys have been on summer break. It was time to spend with our family and friends. Craig with his girl, Chres with his brothers and sisters, and me and Ray with our wives. 

"Ooo lemme know" he turned to face me grinning slightly, "What’s up with you and Rachel now?"

It was said in a joking matter but the words hit me hard. What’s up now. I ran my hand through my hair sighing; Ray’s face turning serious as he noticed my distress. I know his and (Y/N) marriage had been going fine, but I still felt I needed to get this off my chest. 

"Do you ever.." I paused, choosing my words carefully, "Do you ever wonder if we made the right decision? Getting married….settling down"

He looked at me, biting his lip in thought. 

"I love Rachel, she’s my best friend. I made her my wife for goodness sake. But we’re only 25…I can’t help but question if we’re too young for this type of commitment."

I knocked back my vodka and looked straight at him, anticipating his response. 

"…..I think it was only a matter of time before we settled down. I feel it was the right choice in the long run, even with the lifestyle we have. I love (Y/N) that’s enough to keep me committed to her,"

He paused, looking away then back at me, “I know you and Rachel have been going through a rough time, but you’ll work through this. You love her; you shouldn’t give all that up for a few one night stands”

I nodded my head, thankful for the words. Ray was a joker, but he could get deep when he needed to. He was always someone I could go to for advice.

I slouched back looking up at the stars.

"I know you think me and (Y/N) are a perfect couple, but we still have our hard times. You just gotta have faith. Marriage aint suppose to be a walk in the park"

My eyebrows raised slightly, surprised at his confession. I got up and gave him a bro hug before we made our way inside. It wouldn’t hurt to crash the night. 


Don’t be salty I put Prince with Rachel lol

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