Her Time To Shine (Prince Imagine)

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~ Her time to shine ~

Prince’s P.O.V

"And the award for Best Female R&B Artist is……Y/N!!"

The whole arena erupted into cheers, jumping on their feet to give her the standing ovation she deserved. Her smile lit up the room as she jumped into my arms, hugging me as her latest hit single blared through the speakers. She slipped her arm through mine as I kissed her cheek, walking her up to the stairs by the stage. Of course she could walk in her heels, I was just there for moral support. After all, that was my baby! 

Jacob Latimore who had coincidentally been announcing the award, grinned wide, wrapping her in his embrace as she approached the stand where a mic stood waiting for her acceptance speech. She gripped the award in one hand, scanning it’s gold and black design over in disbelief; she was doubtful of whether she was deserving and it took all I had in me to make her believe she was. 

I stood behind her, mirroring her excitement and staring out into the crowd of other successful artists. 

But before she cleared her throat, thanking everyone who had helped her on her journey, she turned to me, slipping her hand into mine and pulling me closer. I chuckled placing an arm around her waist and kissing her cheek as the audience chorused with ‘awww’s’. I could feel her shaking slightly as she tried her best to get a  hold of her emotions. 

"Baby I know it’s overwhelming but you’ve done it. Everyone’s cheering for you…you can do this" 

My whispered words of comfort seemed to boost her confidence and she leaned towards the mic, her beaming smile never dimming. 

"Ummm I….where do I start?..I never dreamed I would make it to the point I am today…never make it to an award show as big as this…let alone win the award. I want to thank God for this opportunity, my family for supporting me…my management. And of course…" she paused, turning around and crashing her lips into mine. 

"Get a room!" Ray called from the audience, making many burst out in laughter. 

"Mr. Jacob Perez…my love, my rock…the one who made me believe in myself. My true inspiration." 

I could feel my face flush slightly and I knew my cheeks were about to turn a bright red. I buried my face into her neck as she chuckled, the cheering from the audience starting up once again. 

"I love you Y/N," I grinned as I led her off the stage, "You just have no idea how much"


Switched up a little 

Forgive me, it’s short 

Enjoy ;) 

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