I Care (Ray Imagine)

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~ I Care ~

Your P.O.V

I closed my eyes, the rawness of the whiskey burning the back of my throat and making my face contort. I dangled the half empty glass in between my legs, resting my other arm on my knee. The house was dark and empty, perfectly suited to my mood.

The front door creaked open slightly and I saw him stumble into the room, cursing under his breath as he hit his arm off the handle. He closed the door behind him and slipped his jacket off throwing it onto the couch. 

"Have fun?" 

His eyes shot towards me and he jumped a little noticing me sat on the floor with my back against the wall. I kept my eyes closed in fear of releasing the tears along with my emotions. 

"Yeah" he replied lowly, his words weren’t slurred so I knew he wasn’t drunk. There were only a number of places he could’ve been, but knowing how he was, it sure wasn’t Chres’ place. 

"Where have you been?"


His short responses were making my temperature rise, the alcohol I had previously consumed wasn’t helping the situation either. 

"Out with who?" My voice came out harsh and filled with a deep base. My tone must have taken him a back as it took him longer to answer. 

"With people" That was it. I shot up throwing the glass in his direction. He ducked just in time for it to smash on the wall behind him. The contents of the glass sprayed across the floor, thr shattered pieces swimming in the shallow liquid. 

"What the hell?!" he exclaimed, looking at me like I was deranged. 

"You think I don’t know what you do?!" I yelled, already knowing this would end in a screaming match. 

"And what do I do?!" his volume matched mine, his fists clenched showing I had pissed him off. 

"What don’t you do?! You sleep around with all these hoes! You always leave me home alone! Up till 3am worrying my ass off!" 

"No one said you couldn’t go out yourself!"

I pulled my hair in frustration and charged at him, knocking him off his feet. That pushed him over the edge and he jumped up pinning me to the wall. “Don’t. Touch. Me” he threatened through gritted teeth.

I could smell the unfamiliar perfume all over him. The first few buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned revealing numerous hickeys. Tears filled my eyes and unwillingly began to fall. I screamed, annoyed I had appeared weak in front of him yet again. It’s like he loved to see me in pain.

"You never pay me any attention! You never tell me you love me! You don’t CARE any more!"

His anger disappeared in an instant, and he stepped back, his face straight and his eyes emotionless. 

"And I’m stupid enough to stay with you every time you put me through this! I’m scared to lose you Ray! I still CARE!" 

He looked away from me for a brief moment before turning back and looking directly in my eyes. “Clean yourself up, I’ll be upstairs”

And just like that, he turned on his heel and trudged up the stairs, my fit of screaming somewhat forgotten, ignored.  

"You use to be so in love"

I spoke, surprisingly halting him.

"What happened?"

He paused for a minute and turned slightly as if to answer my pleading. But he turned back around and walked up the stairs leaving me in the dark to sob. 

Now I’m crying and deserted baby, but you don’t care



Inspired by Beyonce - I Care 

She owns all. 

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