Chapter 1

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Josh, Simon, JJ, and Tobi were all in the living room playing FIFA. Not for a video, just for fun. They were enjoying the banter and the loose fun of it all. A non-YouTubers normal day. Then a knock on the front interrupted their game.

"Someone get the door I'm about to score!" Tobi yelled.

"Josh you go get it." Simon nudged him.

"Why me? I always get the door, it's your turn." Josh nudged, or more like pushed, Simon.

"Well, now that I'm off my chair..." Simon mumbled. He shuffled to the door and opened it. There stood a blonde girl about his age with a little girl, also blonde. "Hello, how can I help you?" Simon greeted. This was the last thing he expected to be on his porch.

"Hi does, um, Josh Zerker live here?" the lady asked nervously. Simon slowly nodded. He had no idea where this was going.

"And may I ask who you are?" Simon questioned before going to retrieve Josh.

"I'm his ex-girlfriend." she said shyly. The little girl next to her bounced. One thing came to Simon's mind but he couldn't believe it would be Josh of all the boys. Simon went back inside and called Josh over.

"Josh there's a girl outside who wants to talk to you." Simon informed him. Ooos erupted from JJ and Tobi. Josh got off his stool and followed Simon to the front. At first Josh didn't recognise her, but he quickly remembered the details that stayed the same over the years.

"Josephine? What are you doing here?" Josh stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"I need to ask you something very important. Now, let me preface this by saying, I really don't mean to intrude on your life here and I'm not looking for any kind of get back together thing but... this is Riley." Josephine motioned to the toddler holding her hand.

"So it was a girl." Josh sighed. He had left Josephine two months pregnant when they broke up almost four years ago. This little girl is really his daughter. His child. He helped bring it into this world. And some how it found her way back to him. It stunned Josh.

"Yes, and I got this job over in America, and... I'm not aloud to take Riley with me. When my parents found out I was pregnant they kicked me out and now I have no connection with any of my family. I was wondering if, you, could take care of her for me. I'll only be gone for a year." she explained. By the end she seemed really upset.

"I don't know. I mean I live with a couple other guys and our schedule is kind of weird." Josh really didn't want to turn her away.

"Well, can you at least think of somewhere I can bring her because I don't want to give her up or leave her." Josie teared up thinking about having to give up her baby girl.

"Look, I'll think about and talk with the guys. Give me your number I'll call you back by tomorrow with an answer." Josh wanted to help. This is his child too.

"Oh, thank you so much, Josh!" Josie was so grateful. She picked Riley up and took her to the car. Josh watched until the car was driven out of his sight. He wasn't sure what he just signed up for.

The cold wind hit Josh waking his senses up. He had to go back inside. The boys were still playing FIFA when he walked into the room. Simon noticed Josh standing in the doorway and he mouthed to him,

"What did she want?"

Josh shrugged, sitting next to Simon.

"Don't worry about it." Josh whispered to him. Even if it did concern Simon because he lives in this house too, Josh felt comfortable talking about it to only one person. Someone who also knows, Josephine. When the game between JJ and Tobi finished, Simon took Tobi's place. Tobi went to the kitchen to get a drink. Josh followed him.

"What girl wanted to see you?" Tobi asked very curious. Josh didn't hesitate to tell him.

"Josie." he said. Tobi looked at him shocked. He barely remembers their relationship back in high school. However, he does remember the break up.

"What? Why?" Tobi sat down at the island.

"Well... um..." Josh tapped his fingers on the counter, biting his lip. "Remember how she was pregnant?" he spoke nervously.

"Does she want child support?!"

"Wh-? Well, no. She wants me to watch over her- our, kid while she's out doing this job." Josh started to explain.

"Um... okay but why you?" Tobi asked.

"Because she has no one else to go to. And did I mention that this job of her's is in America and she'll be gone for a year?" he added. Tobi almost choked on his drink. "Only a year. Just one."

"Only a year?! Did you say yes?" Tobi got louder so Josh shushed him.

"No but I feel like I have to." Josh sat next to his friend. "I mean, we're talking about my child. I forgot I even had one. Ever since Freya walked in on my life... Oh my god, Freya! What the hell would she think of this?! Forget YouTube being the problem!" Josh began to feel panicky.

"Josh. Breath." Tobi calmed him. "I can't believe I'm gonna say this but, I think you should accept Josie's request. This your child, Josh! When are you ever going to get to spend time with him?"

"Her." Josh corrected.

"Yeah, her, whatever. My point is, I'm sure Freya will understand it's only short term and it has nothing to do with your ex-girlfriend. Just a favor. Us guys can take turns watching your kid when you're busy." Tobi reasoned. "I don't mean to make the decision for you but... It's your kid. It'll be a lot of responsibility."

Josh stayed silent thinking about what Tobi had just said. He was already leaning towards taking Riley in, and Tobi just gave him more reasons why he should. He couldn't think of anywhere else Josephine could take Riley. As long as this doesn't mean anything brewing between him and Josie... Josh just has to check with the boys of the house. Oh, Josh could just hear it now.

"Daddy Josh!"

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