Character Q&A: RESPONSES

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I'm not gonna do an intro you just want the answers:

Riley Questions:
Who is your favorite Sideman at the moment?
Riley: ummmmm... I dunno I like cookies.

Why are you always shooting poor Vikky?
Riley: Cause it's funny!

How much do you miss your mummy? Favorite person you've met so far?
Riley: Flavoright? Everyone! I miss my mummy a lot but sometimes I see her on the flashy screen.
Josh: She means the computer.

U da boss bish.
Riley: Tank you! (I spelled "thanks incorrectly on purpose)

How... How does banter come to you so naturally?
Riley: What's ban-tour?

Who has the best ways of keeping you happy and entertained? Love you btw xx
Riley: I dance with Simon. But I watch movies with Ethan. Vik plays pretend with me! I love you too stranger 🙂

What do you think of the other guys? Besides Simon and Josh./What's your honest opinion on each of the boys? And what do you like best about each of them?
Riley: They're funny and silly and make weird noises. They make me laugh.

Do you like Freya?
Riley: She's pwetty

Do you love Simon and Josh?
Riley: Yeah yeah yeah yeah!

Why don't you like Harry?
Riley: He called me a baby and took away my cookies!

You're sassy. I like it.
Riley: I like you.

Do you prefer Simon or Josh to look after you? Or would you prefer for them to both look after you rather than your mom?
Riley: Both!

Are you not wearing dresses because you want to be like Simon?
Riley: No, dresses are too girly

Why do you prefer to have Josh and Simon look after you instead of others? Why are they your favorite?
Riley: They let me be in there room and always hug me and love me.
Josh: She really only sees us two because she's stuck in the house most of the time and Vik is really the only other person but he's always locked in his room. There's JJ too, sometimes, but he's always asleep.

Do you like to be with certain people because they make you happy? I like your sass too missy.
Riley: Of course!

What if Simon and your daddy got together?
Riley: Huh? Two daddies? Awesome!

Who do you prefer, Cal or Harry?
Riley: Harry

Does Riley like Nandos or KFC?
Josh: I don't know if she's really had KFC. I don't think she really has a preference.

Josh Questions:
What are you gonna do when Riley leaves?/What will you do when Riley's mum comes back?/What will you do once Riley has to go back?
Josh: Oh god I don't know. I try not to think about it too much. I might start crying. I'm gonna just have to move on I guess. I hope I'll see her again. I hope she doesn't forget us...

Do you have feelings for anyone?
Josh: No.

Would you consider Simon a good role model?
Josh: Wellllll, he's not the best for a three year old, I'm not gonna lie but I'd say he's doing a pretty good job.
Simon: What do you mean?! I'm the best role model! Look at Riley! She may be half naked most of the time and cursing... and flipping people off.... But... Hey, she's not doing drugs!

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