Chapter 2

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"Daddy Josh!"

He groaned at this nickname he had been cursed with. Josh finds it funny sometimes and likes to use it himself, but now it's not a kink joke. He is actually a father.

"What Simon?" Josh looked out his bedroom at Simon who was walking towards him.

"You ready for today?" Simon asked sitting on Josh's bed. Today Josephine is going to drop off Riley. The first day of what may or may not be hell. Imagine the boys trying to record with a three year old girl running around the house.

"As ready as one can get." Josh shifted in his chair. "Are you ready? This affects you too." Josh retaliated.

"Hell no. I haven't got a clue how a small child works. But that's why I didn't buy cheap condoms in high school." Simon jeered at Josh.

"Oh ha ha. Like you even had sex in high school." Josh teased. Simon couldn't argue with that so he just stuck his tongue out at Josh and said,

"I regret trying to have a nice conversation. I'm leaving now." Then he stood up and left.

"You're the one who took a shot mate!" Josh called out to him. He could only shake his head at Simon's childishness. Josh was extremely nervous. Not because he felt unprepared; but because he didn't know how his daughter would feel about him. It was ten o'clock in the morning, and Josephine texted she would arrive in a half hour. That was at nine thirty.
"Okay. I gave you her clothes, the toys, umm, the stroller is outside... Am I forgetting anything else?" Josie ran over the checklist in her head. She was holding Riley's hand who just blankly looked around at the unfamiliar house. They, along with Josh, were standing at the bottom of the steps. "I guess not. If I am I'm sure you can buy it." Josh smiled at Josie. "The only other things you need to know is this year is as we like to call it, 'the transition year'. Meaning, I switched Riley to a toddler bed not too long ago and we are in the middle of potty training her soooo, yeah." Josie looked down at Riley who was staring up at Josh. "Alright baby. I'm gonna leave you now. Remember it's only for a short while. Even if it seems like forever, it's not. Thanks again Josh, I hope this isn't too much trouble."

"Not at all. It's only temporary right?" Josh gave a weak fake laugh.

"Yeah, exactly." Josie agreed. She bent down and hugged her daughter tightly. It was easy to tell they a close bond. It's going to be hard for Josh to get Riley used to the separation. "Bye, Riley. I'll miss you." Then Josie left. She exchanged Skypes with Josh earlier so she could Skype at night whenever to talk to Riley.

"Mommy?" Riley looked at the door. This confused the small child. She didn't understand why her mother had just left her. "Mommy?!" she yelled louder thinking it would get her back. Josh wasn't sure what to say in order to help.

"Riley?" Josh tried to bring her attention to him. She turned around at looked at him, frightened. "It's gonna be okay." he cooed. Riley had blonde hair like her mother but just a little bit darker. She was wearing a white shirt and pink skirt with pink leggings and boots. Very girly.

"I want my mommy." Riley sniffled. Tears were forming in her eyes.

"I know you do. But mommy has to go." Josh explained simply.

"Who are you?" Riley asked. She wanted to know who the stranger her mother left her with was.

"I'm Josh and I'm your father." Josh's voice was shaky. The words felt foreign to him.

"I have a dad?" Riley scrunched up her face.

"Yep, me. Sorry I haven't been part of your life earlier." Josh sat down on the second step. I'm also sorry I forgot you existed. Josh thought to himself.

"Josh." she pointed at him. She studied his face real hard. He was still a stranger to her, and she did not like it one bit. "I still want mommy. When is she coming back?"

"Not for a while. But you'll get to talk to her at night." Josh reassured. It was silent for a moment. "Do you want to see your room?" Josh held out his hand.

"No I want mommy back." Riley flinched back. It was helpless and Josh knew it. He couldn't do anything about it except wait it out. Riley began cry. Not have a fit, just cry. Josh let her. He didn't care how loud she got, the other three would have to deal with it.

"Jesus, Josh. Aren't you going to try and shut her up?" Josh cranked his head to the side and up to see JJ leaning over the railing.

"No, I'm not. She needs to cry. She has to get familiar to the feeling of no mommy on her own. She won't let me touch her anyways." Josh told him. JJ didn't quite get it. He walked down the stairs to meet the little girl.

"What's her name again?" JJ asked.


"Hi, Riley. I'm JJ." he introduced himself. She stopped crying a bit to look at him. His gold chain caught her eye; it was shiny. She toddled over to JJ and grasped his chain. It made JJ smile and laugh at her, at how distracted she got. Then Josh thought that maybe everything will be okay.

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