Chapter 22

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November 5, 2016
Tobi flipped Riley upside down, still holding onto her legs. She laughed in delight at the slightly terrifying but bubbly feeling of her head almost touching the floor. He lightly swung her from side to side. Tobi quickly flipped her right side up so she wouldn't get too dizzy.

"Tobi, what are these floating spots?" She looked around aimlessly. Clearly he didn't do a fast enough job.

"It means you're seeing stars. That happens when you get dizzy."

"I can see stars! Holy pony!" she exclaimed in amazement. She saw Josh come into the living room from behind. "Daddy I can see little stars! It's not even nighttime!"

Josh only laughed at her. She's too precious for this world. Riley started to wriggling in Tobi's arms so he put her down.

"Daddy! I made a fishy with uncle Tobi! Look!" she beamed. She ran into the kitchen. 11 years followed behind. Riley held up a purple paper plate with a piece cut out, like a pizza pie, that was re-glued on the opposite side as a tail to look like a simple fish. A squiggly smiley face was drawn on it too.

"Riley that's really cute. It's beautiful." Josh praised. He picked her up and put her in her booster seat.

"I don't know where you always get these cool kid activities. Are you secretly a nanny?" Josh asked, pouring himself some Dr. Pepper.

"Ha, nah. I'm just trying my best to be the best uncle." Tobi smiled.

"You're taking that name to your grave aren't you?" Josh couldn't believe how serious Tobi is about the whole, "uncle" thing. Tobi nodded his head answering yes.

"Thanks for hanging out with Riley. She really has a lot of fun with you."

"No problem! Anytime! I love spending time with her too. She's just so cute!" Tobi waved at her. She waved back. "I'll see you around, Josh. Bye, Riley!"

"See ya, Tobi."

"Bye ankle Tobi!" That moment when Riley pronounces uncle like ankle and Josh bursts out laughing.

"Riley do you want something to drink?" he offered.

"Yes, please." So he got her a juice box. "Daddy I wanna watch a movie." she announced.

"Okay, I can take a break. What Disney movie shall it be this time?" He knew it was going to be of the Disney sorts. It almost always is.

"Beauty and the Beast."

"Then it's a done deal."

"Did I hear something about movies?" Simon peeked his head around the corner.

"Yeah but it's a princess one." Josh replied. Simon typically doesn't watch them. They aren't very enjoyable for him. Too boring.

"Well I want to join in." Simon declared.

"Are you sure?" Josh was surprised.

"If it means I get to spend time with my two favorite people." Simon was sure of his decision.

"I love you Simon." Riley said out of the blue.

"I love you too baby girl. And I love you Josh."

"I love you too Simon."

Then JJ walked in causing him to get caught in the, love... weirdness.

"I love you, JJ." Simon told his best friend.

"I love you more, JJ."

"JJ!" Riley squeaked.

"What the hell is happening?" JJ asked, looking lost. As usual.

"JJ this fish is for you!" Riley held out her purple plate.

"If that's not the sweetest thing, I don't know what is." Simon leaned over to Josh, whispering.

"Aww, thank you! That's so nice. I'll hang it in my room." JJ took the "fish" and ruffled Riley's hair.
Movies are great ways to spend time with your family. And family moments with the Sidemen, like these, are what Riley will treasure forever.

"Josh you're the beast." Simon decided, part way through the movie.

"No, JJ is beast. I'm the candle. Riley is the beauty." Josh disagreed.

"Why can't I be Belle? Do you not think I'm pretty?" Simon pouted.

"You're the fat clock."

"No, that's Ethan."

"Wooow!" Josh gasped. "Savage Simon is on the prowl."

"I'm sorry that was mean." Simon hung his head low but laughed anyways.

"Shh." Riley hushed them. "You're too loud."

"And you're too sassy." Josh retorted, not liking her attitude.

"But sassy is fabulous daddy."

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