Thank You!!¡!!

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Please Read de whole ting :)

IM DONE YEAH. IM SAD TOO. I think the ending was happy. The epilogue saved it. Everyone in the story is happy so that's a win. Anyways, thank you to everyone who has read this book because I had so much fun writing it and I think it's one of my best. I reached over 80K views by the time I finished which is nucking futs! I don't think I'll ever be able to do that again.

You guys are crazy awesome and leave the best comments. You're all super supportive and nice and I have to thank you for it all because obviously I wouldn't have written this or done so well with it without you guys. You're all gonna leave super nice comments and I won't have time to go through them all so I'm just saying, "THANK YOU!! LOVE YOU GUYS IM HAPPY U LIKKED THE BOOK!" now.

This is my first non au book which is pretty cool. Speaking of which, I already know what I'm doing for my next book and it'll be an au because I love writing them. It's called "Thorns" and it's out now so go read it. It'll have slow updates because of school though.

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