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9 Years Later
Riley, who's now 13, waited and waited and waited and waited. She kept checking the time, she kept checking her phone. She'd lay on the floor in the middle of a room or sit on the stairs. It was driving her mother crazy. She was trying to get things done but Riley was in the way constantly sighing and groaning.

"Mom~! I thought you said they'd be here by now!" Riley whines.

"I know but the airport isn't exactly the fastest way of travel during the holidays." Josie replies. "And they're might be a lot of traffic."

"Dad hasn't said anything about delays or traffic." Riley rechecks her past texts with Josh.

"Why don't you ask him-" A doorbell interrupts her.

"They're here!" Riley runs to the front door at lightning speed. Josie chases after her. Riley swings the door open to see her two favorite dads. She instantly hugs them. Josh and Simon normally come visit a couple times a year but they haven't gotten the chance to this year until now.

"Merry Christmas to you to, Ri." Josh chuckles, hugging her back. Since Riley moved to here to the US, Josh and Simon have gotten married. Josh steps into the house to hug Josie while Riley and Simon hug. Doug hears the commotion and comes downstairs. Him and Josie got married as well.

They all hug and say merry Christmas and things like that. Everyone gets along with each other now and appreciate the company. It took a few years to understand how to get along. Their family is set up in a weird way but it works.

"Where's Lucas?" Josh asks about Riley's younger brother. He's only six years old.

"He's in the living room." Josie leads him to the other room.

"Riley I love what you did with your hair." Simon compliments. Riley got her blonde cut short so that it swings by her ears. It's like a bob cut but more boyish.


"It really suits your personality. Was Josie okay with that?" Simon asks.

"Not at first but once she saw it she thought it was cute. I don't think she would've let me get it if it wasn't for Doug." She looks at her stepfather. He always spoils Riley because he wants to be liked by her. He feels she won't fully accept him.

Josh and Josie come back into the room talking about airplane flights.

"Jish, Simoné! I want to show you JoJo." Riley practically pulls on Josh's arm.

"Whowho?" Simon doesn't know what she's talking about.

"My hamster I got for my birthday. Remember, I sent you pictures?" They head towards the stairwell.


"Yeah Simon don't be such a dumbass." Josh nudges him as they walk up the stairs. Riley brings them into her room. They look around while Ri opens the hamster cage. She holds him out to the two men. Simon takes a step behind Josh.

"It's not going to bite me or crawl down my pants right?" Simon fears. Josh and Riley laugh at him.

"He doesn't normally do that but you never know." she shrugs. Josh takes the hamster

"Aw, is Simon scared of tiny furry pet?" Josh taunts him.

"No!" Simon picks it up. "See?" He holds it close to his chest. "He's so cute just like you, Ri." Simon pets it with a finger.

"Wow thanks for comparing me to a hamster Si." Riley rolls her eyes.

"How are things going with you and Dogo?" Josh wonders.

"Fine. I mean, we get along good but he still thinks he can buy my love. Like, I like you okay? Don't treat me extra special as if it's gonna change anything." Riley states in a pissy tone. "Something funny, on father's day I refused to give a gift to Doug because he's not my dad and shouldn't be getting something every year as if he is, and it made mom so angry." she laughs.

"Still calling him by his first name? Must drive mum crazy." Josh sits on her bed.

"I only do because you're my dad. Doug isn't worthy of that title. Mom will argue with me that legally he's my dad but I don't give a fudge. He's my 'father figure' but not my dad." Riley huffs. "I don't call Simon dad do I?"

"Hi, I heard my name. What I wasn't listening." Simon looks up from eye cuddling the hamster.

"Get someone who will look at you the way Simon looks at JoJo." Josh jokes. "Goals."

"Don't be jealous Joshua." Simon hums. Riley is happy they could make it here today. She could talk to them all day.
As they all ate a big holiday sized dinner, the adults talked about their jobs and how things are going. Riley listened and so did Lucas but Riley actually retained the information. The one detail that stuck out was Josh saying him and Simon wanting to adopt soon but not being sure whether to get a boy or girl. Riley suggested a girl so she can have a younger sister.

Once dinner was finished, they all gathered in the living room. There's a standard Christmas tree with presents underneath. Josie sits on the floor with little Lucas on her lap. Doug is slouching in a chair behind her. Josh and Simon sit next to each other on the couch. Josh has his arms on top of the couch, one behind his husband. Riley sits on the floor opposite of her mom.

"Alright, how are we gonna get this party started?" Josie looks at everyone.

"Let's start by giving Riley our present." Simon hands her a rectangular box clearly wrapped by Josh. A smile spread on their faces as they glanced at each other. Riley rips off the decorative paper in excitement.

It's a simplistic small toy piano keyboard.

"Oh wow! This is so cool! Thanks you guys! The first song I ever write is gonna be about you two and it'll start like this,"

"Minizerk, minizerk, does whatever a minizerk does."

~The End~

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