Chapter 32

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Josh sat in Riley's now old room. It is about to be emptied out which made Josh feel empty. He keeps thinking about how Riley is doing without them right now. And how she might be three months from now. Josh held the tiny Sidemen shirt they had custom made for her; then gave to her on her birthday.

"Josh?" He looked up at the sound of his name. Simon is standing in the doorway looking at Josh with soft eyes.

"I shouldn't have to give up my daughter." Josh's voice cracked. Simon moved to come sit next to him. 

"I know, she's your kid too. And you're both so attached to each other." He stared at the floor. "But Josie's the mother and she's misses her kid. A lot."

"I just don't want this to be the last time I see Ri. Now that she's back in my life, I want her to stay." Josh played with his fingers to distract him from his aching heart. "You love her too. I don't know what you're gonna do without her. You were her world, she wouldn't go anywhere without you."

"I bet Riley's not handling this any better. At least I know she's safe with Josie." Simon placed a hand on Josh's back. "I'm sure Josie is going to share Riley with us. You're the dad and you have a right to see your child." Simon could see Josh wasn't satisfied with that answer. "Riley will forever be part of our lives now. She is not temporary."

"Thank you, Simon. For all you're help. You really mean a lot to me." Josh admitted. Simon could feel himself blushing and his heart glowing.

Riley has brought them closer together. Simon felt the connection. He felt it was time. That maybe Josh does like him back. Simon took this emotional moment as an opportunity, and leaned in for a kiss.

That's all he's ever wanted.

He continued until his lips met, a hand.

"Whoa." Josh leaned away. "Are you trying to kiss me?" Or maybe it's not time.

"Oh, uh- Well I, um... You see- errr..." Simon didn't know what to say. Could he save this? At least he was crying earlier so Josh couldn't tell the difference from now.

"Umm... This is awkward."

"Ye-ah." Simon's voice cracked from choking up. "I'm sorry, I..."

"Look don't worry about it." Josh stopped him. "I think I'll just finish packing on my own."

"Okay." Simon looked at him with sorrowful eyes. He stood up and left Josh, going to his own room.

Simon internally yelled at himself for being so stupid and thinking Josh would like him back. But after everything they've been through. All the talks and laughs... They were so personal. How could he not notice the way Simon looked at him and flirted? How could Josh do the exact same thing and it not mean anything?

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