Chapter 23

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Riley was asleep in Josh's room when the urge to use the bathroom woke her up. She sat up and looked to her side expecting to see Josh next to her. However he was missing. Riley looked around the pitch black room, the only light source being a nightlight, still half asleep. She hopped off of the bed now in search of her father. The feeling of having to pee went away. When she left his room it was completely dark except for the lights by the front entrance. Vik's door was open but it was dark inside as well. Riley peeked in there to see if Vik was asleep but he wasn't in there.

Riley started to feel worried and anxious. She had no idea why they mysteriously disappeared. She had never been left alone in the house before. If the three ever had to leave and she couldn't come, they would have someone come over and babysit Riley. Her favourite was when Ethan would come, because they would watch movies together.

Riley knew Simon went out for the night earlier but she went upstairs to see if he had returned yet. It was 3:00 in the morning anyways. He was still gone. Riley got really scared and the feeling of a full bladder came back. She peed herself. (Yes she's potty trained but accidents happen) Riley ran downstairs as fast as she could without tripping. She wasn't exactly sure what to do but her instincts told her to go to the house phone. The phone had been there since they moved in and all though they never use it, they were too lazy to get it removed. Riley wanted to call Josh so she wouldn't feel alone. She wanted to hear his voice. Dialing down the number Josh put on the fridge for her to use in emergencies.

"Hello?" Josh answered after a few buzzes.

"Daddy?" Riley asked shakily.

"Hey baby why are you up?"

"Where are you daddy?" Riley was oblivious to his question and focused on her own.

"Uh, well, a little something came up, and Vik and I had to go out." Josh replied.

"Are you coming back?"

"Yes in fact I'm driving right now so I kinda need to get off the phone." Josh laughed dryly.

"Where's Simon?" Riley continued asking questions.

"He's... in the back. Look I'll explain everything when we come home, okay?" Josh reassured her.

"Okay." Riley said.

"Good, be careful sweetie and don't break anything. Bye." Then Josh hung up. Riley still felt a little scared because she didn't know what was going on. She cried a little before going upstairs to take off her pants. She took the phone with her.

About a half hour later and Josh, along with Vik and Simon, arrived home. Riley heard the front door open so she ran downstairs.

"Daddy!" Riley cried out. There was a time when she used to only call him 'Josh'.

"Hi Riley." Josh looked up at her from the bottom of the stairs. Riley went from relieved to worried again when she saw a limp Simon draped over Josh and Vik's arms. The two mumbled, conversing with each other where to put Simon.

"What's wrong?" Riley whimpered. She had never really been in an "adult" situation. If you want to call it that.

"Umm Simon had too much to drink from his night out." Josh said. "Wait, where are your pants?" He realised Riley was only half dressed.

"I peed myself."

"Fuck sake. Why didn't you put some other pants on?" Josh asked but Riley didn't say anything. She was staring at Simon. "Vik," Josh sighed. "Would you rather take Simon to the couch or put some pants on Riley?"

"Simon." Vik chose.

Once Riley had her pants back on, Josh told her stay upstairs. She did so but never fell back asleep until about six o' clock. She woke up later in the middle of the afternoon and went downstairs thinking she'd see Simon on the couch. He wasn't there but luckily Josh and Vik were the kitchen; not missing.

"Morning Riley." Josh greeted. Riley still felt off balance from last night. Even after Josh explained to her what happened, she didn't quite understand what all of it meant. It made sense to her but the true size of the situation didn't set in-in her head. "Why don't you take some water upstairs to Simon?" Josh asked. Riley nodded, wanting to see her friend. Josh came upstairs with her so she wouldn't spill the water on the steps. Simon was awake but extremely hungover. "Hey Simon."

"Huh? Hi." Simon groaned. He pulled his head out from under his pillow. "My head huuuurrrtttss." he moaned.

"I know. Riley brought you some water." Josh nudged her forward. Simon's state made Riley uncomfortable. Nonetheless she walked forward not wanting to see him in pain. Simon opened his eyes and smiled slightly. Seeing the innocent, concerned toddler that he adored ever so with water for him made feel all the better. He was happy that Josh and Vik came to the rescue. What would've Riley done if Simon hadn't returned home?

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