Chapter 34

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It's been almost a week since Josh last saw Riley. The separation is hurting him more than expected. That feeling of losing someone you love and have grown attached to is no fun. It's like having a piece of yourself missing. In just one year Josh found that bond between a parent and their child. Now Josh is breaking habits of wondering if Riley has eaten or bathed with a reminder that she's not here.

It's not like Riley is doing any better. Riley is happy to be with her mother but she wants her father as well. She misses him at night and Simon during the day. Riley's forgotten what it's like to live her mum. Riley has gotten used to having a lot more freedom. She's almost become resentful of her mum. Always requesting for Josh.

Josh notices his phone. Seeing the bright screen.

Josie- i need a favor

Josh- is this my first babysitting job?

Josie- yeah. I have an interview thing to go to

Josh- cool no problem just let me know when u get here
Josh almost fell flat on his face as he ran down the stairs. Riley is finally here. It feels it's been so long. Josh hasn't told Simon she would be here so he can surprise his new boyfriend.

"Hey, Josie!" he greets. He looks down to see Riley staring up at him.

"Daddy!" She runs over to hug his legs.

"Riley!" He picks her up to give a better hug. "I've missed you darling."

"Ever since I brought her back home, all she does is ask for you." Josie laughs. "Anyways, thanks again."

"No problem. Good luck with your interview." Josh gives a friendly smile. Josie kisses Riley goodbye and then leaves. "Do you wanna go surprise Simon?"


"Let's go." Josh whispers. They sneak upstairs. Josh feels happy again having someone in his arms. Holding them in a protective manner with such care. There's silence inside the blonde's room so Josh goes ahead and opens the door.


"Yes Joshy?" Simon responds, eyes remaining glued to his computer. When Riley sees her best friend, she can't hold in her excitement.

"Simon!" she screams. Simon instantly recognizes the adorable voice. His head whips around to see what he was hoping isn't his imagination.

There she is. His little ray of sunshine.

"Oh my god! Riley!" Simon jumps up from his seat. Josh holds her out so Simon can scoop her up into his arms. "Josh why didn't you tell me she was coming?!"

"I wanted to surprise you."

"Did you miss me?" he asks. She nods her head. "Because I missed you sooo much." He presses a gentle kiss to her cheek.

"Alright, Si, give her back to papi." Josh reaches for her.

"Did you just?" Simon can't believe Josh just referred to himself as that.


"Can't I spend some time with her first? Please?" Simon begs.

"Finish editing first." Josh wants some father-daughter time before Simon hogs Riley's attention.

"Oh, so now you're my dad too?" Josh only winks at him.

But boy does time fly. Josh and Riley spent the day just like old times where Riley would rant as Josh listens and they would laugh together nonstop. Then Simon and Riley got to have a dance party right before Josie came back. None of the three were ready for the day to be over.

"Back already, Josie?" Josh says as he lets her in.

"Yep! Can't stay away from Riley for too long."

"I know the feeling. She's right upstairs with Simon follow me." Josh leads his ex to his bedroom.

"Who is Simon anyways?" Josie asks, very curious.

"Oh, he's my b-est friend." Josh catches himself knowing now's not the time to come out.

"I was just wondering because him and my, our, daughter seem to be really fond of each other." Josie comments.

"They're inseparable. Like two peas in a pod." Josh notes. Together they enter Simon's room. "Riley, mum's here."

"Hi mummy!"

"Hey, I'll be right back." Josh says as he leaves to go Ri's shoes. Josie holds her hands out as a way of asking for Riley.

"Oh, shit." Simon mumbles because he almost dropped Riley handing her off. He notices Josie heard and quickly covers his mouth. Why does this always happen to him?

"So the rumors are true?" Josie raises an eyebrow.

"About what?"

"You are the one who taught Riley to curse." Josie had one of those disappointed looks even though she was smiling. "She's been cursing a lot lately and when I asked her she learned those words, she said your name."

"Sorry. M'am." Simon felt embarrassed and stupid.

"Are you ready to go?" Josie changes the subject.

"Mummy I don't want to leave yet!" Riley tells her. "Can't I stay longer?"

"I know you want to sweetie but it's time to go home." Josie looks at her kid with apologetic eyes.

"Please!" she pleads. She sticks out her bottom lip and bats her eyes.

"Sorry honey but everyday comes to an end." Josie tucks Riley's hair behind her ear.

"When will we get to see Riley again?" Simon asks rocking from heel to toe.

"Oh, I don't know. The next time I need someone to watch over her." Josie answers with a monotone voice.

"Surely we can see her more often than that." Simon is thinking about those things where the child spends certain days with each parent.

"Look. I'm her mother and I think it's best if Riley doesn't have to live in two homes." Josie stands her ground.

"And Josh is her dad. He has a right to see his kid." Simon has a slight tone in his voice.

"He never cared about her before. I don't know why he would now." Josie becomes defensive, hoping Simon will back down. Now she's starting to come off as more rude though. So she tones it down and is more honest, "I don't feel comfortable with my daughter hanging out with my ex-boyfriend so much."

Josie doesn't really want to see Josh anymore since he doesn't mean anything to her. She wants things to go back to the way they were before; Just her and Riley. Josh is just a tool to temporarily take care of Riley.

Dad, Dad, and Dad?Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα