Chapter 9

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Riley has quickly learned to love the boys. Maybe even more than her mother in some cases. The boys tend to let Riley do as she pleases. They let her wear what she wants all the time. Them being clueless serves to Riley's benefit. Of course, this can lead to some consequences. Including, the impossible task of getting Riley to listen them sometimes. Josephine acts like the mom she is, while the boys are more like friends. Even Josh comes off more as a brother rather than a dad.

Ethan had agreed to babysit Riley for the day at his flat. Even though she knows him, this would be her first time away from Josh or Simon; whom she has grown very close to. She certainly wasn't having it on the car ride there. Whining and complaining in the back seat. Josh wasn't too bothered since it would be Ethan's problem soon. Josh felt honored that Riley loved him so dearly. She continued to cry as he carried her up to Ethan's place.

"Riley don't be upset. You know Ethan." Josh said to her.

"But I want you!" she howled. Before, the issue was that all of the guys were strangers. Now she doesn't want to be away from them. Josh knocked on the door and Riley shouted, "No!"

"Shh!" Josh hushed with a loss of patience. "Hey Eth!"

"Hi Josh." Ethan returned. "I see Riley is having a torrid time." He could see the faded tear stains on her cheek. Riley clung tightly to her dad's neck.

"Yeah but she's your problem now." Josh handed her over.

"Wow, thanks." Ethan held her.


"See ya."

Ethan closed the door and put Riley down. She wasn't crying anymore but still was frustrated with the fact that her father just left her here.

"Why doesn't Joshy want me?" Riley asked with a demanding tone.

"He does want you. But you know why he left you?" Ethan asked.


"Because he knows you're a big girl now who can independent. You don't need him all the time do you? Or are you still a baby?" Ethan challenged.

"I'm not a baby!" Riley protested. Ethan laughed.

"That's what I thought. So let's take a break from mummy Minter and daddy zerk, and watch a movie, huh?" Ethan suggested.

"Yeah!" Riley cheered. She then learned Ethan is her movie buddy.

"What shall it be this time? Preferably not a princess movie." Ethan preferred.

"Umm... Lion King." she requested. Ethan was perfectly fine with that so he put it on. At the very beginning, with the circle of life part, Ethan lifted Riley up as if she was Simba.

Half way through the movie, when Simba has runaway because his father died, someone interrupted the sadness. Ethan paused the film and got up to see who it was. He answered the door to see Harry.

"Uh... Hey Harry. What are you doing here?" Ethan let him in.

"I was bored so I thought I'd say hi." Harry answered honestly. "Is that the Lion King?" He noticed the movie in the back. The flat was still completely dark. Then Riley's head popped up from behind the couch. "Who's that?"

"Oh, that's Josh's kid. He did tell you about it right?" Ethan hoped he hadn't just messed up a friendship.

"Yeah, Tobi mentioned about her." Harry let him know.

"Riley come meet Harry." Ethan called her over. She made her way over to meet yet another boy. Ethan lifted her up to so she could be eye-level with Harry.

"Hey there, Riley. I'm Harry." He wasn't sure what else to say. In fact he was probably more comfortable than Riley herself. Even though Harry might appear to have a brain of toddler, he's really just lost. His brain exists in a whole 'nuther world.

"You look like a mouse." Riley blurted out. Ethan cracked up.

"Wh-what? I look like a mouse? How?" Harry was baffled. Riley giggled at his confused facial expression.

"That's the best thing I've ever heard. Harry, you look like a mouse apparently." Ethan adjusted his holding position of Riley. "Wroeto-mouse."

"Babies are weird man." Harry shook his head.

"I'm not a baby!" Riley shrieked.

"Yeah you are. Look at how tiny you are." Harry begged to differ.

"I'm a big girl." Riley argued.

"How old are you?" he questioned.

"Three." she answered.

"Three is still a baby age." Harry debated.

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Harry I'd say you're the baby with the way you're arguing. Come on, you're better than that. You're twelve years old now." Ethan taunted. He was enjoying their debate.

"I'm eighteen (he's still 18 here), for your information." Harry crossed his arms.

"You're still the baby sideman." Ethan snickered.

"Don't go there." Harry growled.

"Touchy subject, eh?" Ethan chuckled, walking away with Riley.

Harry stayed and finished watching the movie with them. Well, he actually fell asleep fifteen minutes before the end. So Ethan gave Riley a marker to draw on Harry's face. Riley was happy to get revenge on him for calling her a baby.

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