Chapter 30

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April can be a beautiful month. Sometimes it doesn't want to be. It's very moody. But today it's feeling happy and it's showing that by letting the sun shine down with no clouds or wind interrupting.

Riley wanted to go outside so Josh took her into the front yard where the sun was shining. At one point Simon ambushed them with nerf guns and they had a little battle. That quickly settled down and Riley went back to playing with her stuffed animals in the grass. Simon and Josh sat behind her talking about random stuff.

"Riley's gonna leave in a month." Josh stated.

"Don't remind me." Simon sighed. "It's going to be so boring without her."

"How do you think she'll be without us?" Josh wondered. Would she handle it just like she did with her mother? Upset at first but quickly get over. Would Riley forget about him that quickly?

"I think she'll be fine. She's gonna be reunited with her mother. Josie will take care of her. Riley will be happy with mummy again." Simon assured him. "We'll see her again. I'm sure."

"I've got to use the bathroom." Josh stood up.

"Hey could you get me my phone while you're in there?" Simon requested. Josh nodded walking through the doorway. A muffled squeal was heard from behind.

The two men whipped their heads around to see a strange man holding Riley. The man stared at them before taking off. Simon shouted at him as he bolted after, Josh following. Simon's long legs helped him keep up with the kidnapper. They chased him down the street, their hearts pumping. They're too close to the finish line to quit now. They can't loose Riley right before her mum comes home. Riley cried and trembled in the man's arms. Simon wasn't sure how much longer this could last. Where is this thief going? The thief looked back to check on Josh and Simon who were trailing him close. The man glanced around before tossing Riley into a bush on his right. He didn't want to stop but he didn't want to hurt the kid either. The bush was a good cushion but stiff branches still brought pain.

The man continued to run away. Josh and Simon honestly didn't give a fuck about who he was. All they cared about was Riley and making sure she's okay. Josh used his last bit of energy to rush to her. He knelt down and cradled her in his arms. Tears streamed down both of their faces. Simon knelt in front of Josh watching them, as he waited for his turn to embrace Riley.

She means so much to Josh. She's his daughter, child, his new sense of purpose. If anyone, were to ever try to hurt her again, they would be a dead man. Josh isn't ready to give her up yet. And everyday tomorrow comes, the day Josie takes Riley gets closer and closer. It alright feels like it'll be tomorrow.

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