Chapter 26

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Christmas Eve 2015
Riley sat at the counter arranging the freshly baked cookies on a plate. Josh decided it would be fun to bake some cookies with his daughter for Santa.

"I'll put the leftover dough in the fridge." Josh said aloud to himself. "Finished darling?" he asked as it was getting late for her. Josh tries his best to keep Riley's sleeping schedule normal.

"Yep!" she gave one giant nod. She was wearing her purple pajamas.

"Good. Now let's get you to bed." Josh picked her up. She brushed the hair off of her face. They went to her room where Josh tucked her in bed.
Riley stirred in her bed until she woke up on her own. She was sad she woke up, she spent a long time trying to fall asleep. The nerves of Christmas morning were getting to her. She just needed to know what she would find for her downstairs tomorrow. Riley sat up. She decided to see if Santa had came yet by checking on the cookies.

Riley slowly but eventually made her way downstairs, and into the kitchen. The light was on and she could hear the crunching of her cookies. Santa?

"JJ!" Riley squealed. She had caught him eating the cookies.

"Oh hi, Riley. What are you doing up?"

"Those aren't for you!" she yelled. JJ looked at the cookies and then her. He was lost. "Those are Santa's cookies!"

"Oops I'm sorry!" JJ apologised.

"Now Santa won't have anything to eat." Riley sniffed. She began to get really upset. She worked hard making those, you know? No one wants half eaten cookies.

"Don't get upset. There are still two left." JJ didn't want to be the reason why Riley's crying at 1 am. He'd feel really bad. Although he already does. "Is there anyway we can make more?"

"Josh put leftover cookie fluff in the fridge." Riley told him. JJ opened said fridge to find the dough.

"Perfect! We'll just pop this in the oven." JJ got out a tray and cut out some more circles of the dough. He placed them on the tray and stuck it in the oven. "You're not mad at me are you?"

"A little. But it's okay." she answered.

They sat there, mostly in silence, while the cookies baked. When they were done JJ set them on the counter to cool.

"See? It's okay. More cookies." JJ presented whilst smiling.

"JJ? Riley?" Josh showed up. He was surprised to find them both down here. Josh had just finished editing some videos and came down to eat the cookies.

"JJ was eating Santa's cookies!" Riley tattled.

"JJ how could you." Josh shook his head.

"Nobody told me anything! I figured they were free." JJ defended himself. "I made new ones."

"And you missy," Josh turned to Riley. "You shouldn't be sneaking around the house in the middle of the night. Especially on Christmas Eve. You might scare Santa away." Josh warned.

"I'm sorry." Riley looked down.

"It's fine just as long as you stay in bed the rest of the night." Josh ordered. Riley nodded her head. He patted her back, telling her to go up and that he'll join her in a second. "JJ," he whispered.


"Eat all the cookies."

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