Chapter 39

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Josh isn't about to let Josie walk out of this country with Riley. He can't have her leave his life permanently. Josh wanted to have a conversation with Josie about this but in a subtle way and not alone. So he talked with her and arranged a double date. Him and Simon, her and Doug.

Simon begged Josh to not do this. One, he didn't want to go anywhere near Doug. Two, Josh should just have a normal conversation with Josie by themselves. After the dinner at Josie's place, this seemed like the worst idea Josh could come up with.

"Simon, it'll be fine. You don't even have to say anything." Josh's voice echoes from Simon's bathroom.

"Then why am I even going?" Simon sighs loud enough for Josh to hear him.

"Do you want Riley to stay with us or not?" Josh reminds him of the purpose.

"I do, more than anything."

"Then you just have to survive this one night." Josh says. Simon walks around to the bathroom and leans on the doorway. "Can you do that?"

"Yes but only because I love Riley. And you." Simon gives a lopsided smile.

"Thank you." Josh kisses him. "You look very handsome." he compliments. They dressed on the nicer side since this is a nice restaurant.

"Thank you. I could say the same about you but you don't look handsome, you look hot." Simon laughs. Thunder booms outside. "Oh great now it's raining too. I don't want to get soaking wet."

"Great way to set the mood Mother Nature." Josh drones.
Just as suspected, the night was mostly silent. The awkward kind as well. They all just kind of ate their dinners avoiding eye contact. Simon nommed on some bread, Doug twirled his fork in his spaghetti, and Josie cut her food.

Josh wasn't sure how to bring up Riley. He's afraid the conversation will end in a food fight. But it's now or never.

"Is Riley excited to go to America?" Josh brings up the topic lightly.

"Yeah, but I mean she's four so it's not like she knows what's really there to look forward to." Josie shrugs. "I think she'll enjoy it there."

"Riley will probably miss having a dad. A real one." Josh glances at Doug. Douche bag grips his fork and Josie puts her hand in front of him in response. No pasta stains tonight. "Maybe she should... you know, stay with me so she doesn't get in the way of your career."

"Well, she should come with me because she needs a mother figure in her life." Josie responds. It was a little harsh but she isn't in the mood to go through this conversation.

"Um, hello? Mummy Minter?" Simon points to himself.

"I mean an actual woman not a feminine man." Josie hisses. "If she stays she's going to grow up in a household full of men I don't know. How can I trust them?"

"Josie they're my friends. Of course you can trust them."

"This is the worst double date." Doug sighs. Simon nods making this the only moment the two have agreed on anything.

"I have to use the restroom." Josie scutches her chair back and drops her napkin on the seat. She feels horrible for doing this but the same way Josh doesn't want Riley taken away from him, Josie doesn't want her taken away either.

Josh watches her walk away. He notices her turn the opposite direction of the potties and instead head for the exit. Josh excuses himself and follows her. Hopefully by the time he comes back Simon and Doug haven't flipped the table.

"Josie." Josh says. She looks up at him from the bench.

"Riley's coming with me." she states looking back down. She's hunched over with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Stop making this so difficult. You don't own the kid. Only half of her, I own the other half."

"I'm the one who gave birth to her."

"Yeah and I'm the one who decided 'it' would be a girl. Who gives a a fuck? One, I know you're not homophobic so stop with the 'She needs a mom' bull. Okay?"

"You're right, I'm not. It's just-"

"You're looking for an excuse to keep Riley away from me." Josh finishes for her. "Two, you can't keep Riley away from me forever. Why would you want to do that anyways?"

"I'm afraid she'll forget me. That she won't love me. Ever since I came back all she wants is you. And Simon. She seems so distant from me."


"Riley's still coming with me. She's not staying here. I want to have her with me for comfort reasons. I like to know she's okay."

"But you know she'll be okay with me. I just took care of her for a year."

"She's not staying with you, Josh! How many times do I have to say it?!" Heartbreaking. "I'm sorry it had to happen this way." Josie gets up and walks back into the restaurant. Josh lets out a heavy sigh, squeezing his eyes shut. He can't feel anything.

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