Chapter 12

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July 10, 2015
Riley carefully stepped down each step to the second floor. It was early in the morning and Vik had stayed up all night once again. Now running on two sleepless nights. He was just about half asleep at his desk editing, when Riley quietly snuck in. She went over to the shelves and reached up, pawing for anything her hand could grab. What she got was a small, loaded, Nerf gun. She pointed it at the of Vik's droopy head and fired.

"Ah! Ow!" Vik shoot up. That woke him up. He spun around and saw Riley with her hand in her mouth giggling. She bolted out the with Vik chasing. Simon came around the corner and caught Riley, lifting her up.

"What do you think you're doing?" Simon spotted the gun in her tiny hand.

"Nothing." she shook her head.

"Liar, she shot me in the head!" Vik rubbed the back of his skull.

"Why would you do that to poor Vikky?" Simon took the gun away from her.

"Cause it's funny." Riley admitted.

"Fair enough." Simon shrugged. Even though Riley is Josh's daughter, she had a unique bond with Simon. He didn't, and still doesn't, understand how young children work but he learned to get along with Riley. And boy does she love him! She loves all the Sidemen too of course for their own reasons though.

"Of course you'd be on her side." Vik grumbled as he trudged back to his room, exhausted. Simon set Riley down and headed back up to his room.

"Where are you going?" Riley followed him.

"To get ready to go to Tobi's place and hang, do a few videos." Simon told her.

"Can I come?" she asked with a bounce in her step.

"No, sorry sweetie." Simon chuckled.

"Please." Riley begged.

"Why don't you stay here with, Josh? He'll be leaving tomorrow for holiday." Simon hoisted Riley onto his bed.

"But I always hang with Josh. I wanna be with you." she pouted.

"No... I'm pretty sure you always hang with me." Simon tied his shoes.

"Siiiimooon!" Riley whined, falling back on the bed. "Don't leave me!" With the guys always being in the house, if one of them went out the rest would go as well and Riley would come. It wasn't normal for her to be left behind.

"Riley I'd love for you to come but I want it to just be me and the guys. Hang with Josh, he's leaving tomorrow." Simon kissed her head.

"Wh-Why does everyone leave me?" Riley reached out for him.

"Look, I'll be back tonight and Josh is only gone for one week." Simon picked her up once more. He carried her downstairs while she clung to his shirt. Simon opened Josh's door, who was busy editing. "Josh I'm leaving and heading over to Tobi's. Riley's going to stay with you." He put her own the ground.

"Okay cool." Josh nodded.

"No!" Riley shouted.

"I'll be back tonight, kiddo, I promise." Simon quickly closed the door and jogged downstairs. Riley stood there staring blankly at the door.

"Riley, baby, come here." Josh opened his arms for Riley. She walked over and he pulled her to his lap. Eight hours later and Simon called Josh. Riley had just woken up from a nap. "Hey, Simon."

"Sup, so we were all heading out for dinner and if you want to come and bring Riley that'd be great." Simon suggested.

"That's a great a idea! We'll meet you at (random restaurant)." Josh hung up and looked over at Riley. "Riley guess what?"

"What?" she yawned.

"We're going to go meet Simon and the crew for dinner." Josh said happily.

"Yay!" Riley screeched. They instantly got ready and left. They walked down the street looking for the guys who were suppose to be standing outside. Although Riley is much shorter than the crowd, she spotted Simon before Josh did. "Simon!" Riley chirped running at him.

"Riley wait!" Josh ran after her trying not to loose her in the crowd.

"Hey baby girl." Simon lifted her up to his one side as normal. "I missed you." Tobi, Ethan, Cal(freezy), and Joe all laughed a little bit at this. They understood being all sweet to little kids but the fact that Simon asked if they could come and always talked about her like that made them tease him for being a softie. But he didn't mind.

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