Chapter 28

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Hoods were pulled over their face. Hopefully no one would get suspicious of them and think they're criminals. They just couldn't risk getting caught with Riley. They wouldn't normally do this, but they needed to get her outside and beyond their grass.

Josh pushed the stroller that carried his sweet daughter. Simon walked next to him. They decided to go out into the city only for a little bit. Maybe get something to eat. But not getting a lot of exercise certainly shows. The two were already tired from walking around.

"God, we're weak. All this walking is sure making me hungry." Simon hinted at him being ready for food and ready to leave. They stopped on the edge of the sidewalk. Josh remained standing and leaned on the stroller.

"Alright, then we just have to find somewhere to eat." Josh said. "Let's go somewhere we've never been. We'll be less likely to come across a fan."

A woman passing by made eye contact with Riley. She stopped and waved hello. The stranger looked up and saw Josh and Simon staring back at her.

"She is so cute." The woman said complementing Riley's blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hi sweetie!"

"Riley say 'hello'." Josh prompted. Riley only stared. The three adults chuckled.

"You guys have a really beautiful baby."

"Oh! Uh, we're not together. I'm the dad." Josh clarified, a slight tint to his cheeks.

"I'm just a friend."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"No, it's okay. We get it a lot."

"I can see how. Well, bye honey." The girl said to Riley and left. Simon and Josh looked at each other.

"Ready?" Simon asked. Josh nodded.

They walked around some more, this time with Simon pushing the stroller. They came across a restaurant that looked family friendly yet fast foodie at the same time. The inside was nice and it basically worked like a fast food place but restaurant quality food.

Josh quickly found an item on the menu he liked and then tried to figure something out for Ri. Simon took a long time to figure out what he wanted. By the time he chose something, they were at the front of the line. As Josh paid for their food the worker said,

"We have a discount on meals for families that have children under the age of five." (Idk what kind of a restaurant this is. Don't ask 🤔)

Josh looked at Simon with his mouth open ready to say, once again, that they weren't together, but Simon shot him a small sly smile. Josh didn't correct the person and instead saved himself some money.
After they ate, they decided it was a good idea to walk it off and found themselves wandering to a small park. Which was really just a square of grass with benches about. Josh took a seat on one of those benches. Simon took Riley out of the stroller and walked around with her. Josh smiled watching them run around.

"Buttermoth!" Riley exclaimed pointing at the flying insect.

"No Riley. It's a butterfly." Simon corrected.

"Butterfly! It's orange!" She chased after it.

"Riley come back that's too far!" Simon yelled, chasing her. Soon Riley lost sight of the majestic creature. She continued running thinking that her and Simon were playing tag. Josh joined in and chased Riley along side Simon.

They caught up to the small girl and tackled her with tickles until they all fell down. Simon and Josh laid on their backs with Riley in between them. Riley tried to get up to run away but Josh wrapped his arms around her and pulled her on top of himself. Simon scooted closer, filling some of the empty space.

"Disgraceful." Someone spat. Looking down upon them was an older woman. Not old like 70s but maybe in their 40s.

"What?" Josh asked, confused as to what she was referring to as, "disgraceful."

"This should not be allowed. Two men and a child." she hissed. Before anyone could defend themselves, she kept talking. "How are they going to give you the family discount? You're not a real family! Where's the mother? The wife?"

"We are to a family!" Josh shouted at her. "It may not be legally, or biologically but we all care for each other." Josh stood up and walked away with Riley. Simon scrambled to get up and followed Josh.

"You could of just told her we weren't together. You didn't have to yell at her." Simon said. "What was she gonna do? Tell the police we lied about being family and arrest us for getting a cheap discount?"

"Even though we may not be together, we're still a family. Me, you, Riley. Vik, JJ, Ethan, Tobi. And even Harry."

Dad, Dad, and Dad?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz