Chapter 16

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Josh playfully stomped upstairs with Riley slung over his shoulder. She giggled as she bounced up and down. The feeling of almost falling causing her squeal with each step. Josh busted into Simon's room knowing he wasn't recording. They had been talking about random shit on Skype a few minutes ago. Josh dropped Riley on her back on top of Simon's bed. She landed with a small bounce in a fit of laughter. Simon was off to the side staring out the window. He looked at the father and daughter. Simon loved seeing Josh be such a good dad.

"Didn't think you were much of the deep thinking emo type, Si." Josh chuckled.

"That's cause I'm not. And why are you calling me Si again? I thought I told you to stop." Simon turned around, leaning on the window sill.

"I'll call you Si if I want to mate. Of course you're not a deep thinker you don't have enough of a brain." Josh took a shot.

"You trying to fire shots mate? I didn't invite you into my room to verbally abuse me." Simon said. Riley silently watched to the side. When she hears the word 'shot' she thinks of a gun. She made a gun with her hand and pointed it at Simon. "Ah! Riley don't shoot me please! I have a life to live! I'm too young!" Simon pleaded.

"Shoot him Riley!" Josh encouraged.

"You should not be encouraging a little girl to 'shoot' somebody. Do you want your daughter to grow up and be a murderer?" Simon challenged Josh's parenting skills. Riley shot Simon. "Oh god why?! What did I do?!" Simon played along grabbing his chest and falling to the ground. "Ow." he muttered, laughing softly.

"It's nice out today. We should go out." Josh said looking out the window.

"Outside?" Riley tipped her head to the side.

"Outside?" Simon echoed. "You mean the forbidden place that no one dares to venture into? With scary things like cars, sunlight, and grass? I forgot it even existed. Are we going to have to socialize?!" Simon panicked.

"Oh no that sounds awful!" Riley gasped, putting her hands on her cheeks.

"Grass, yeah, real terrifying." Josh rolled his eyes.

"What? Maybe I'm allergic to grass. What if I have a reaction and my throat closes up?" Simon finally got up from floor.

"But you're not allergic. I just meant a walk around the neighbor that's all." Josh looked out Simon's window which gave the perfect of their neighbor's house. "Is that okay with you, Simon the Drama Queen?"

"Simon you're a queen?!" Riley was surprised.

"Yes, a drag queen." Simon walked off swaying his hips. "Now if you excuse me I have to go get ready."

"Did you say 'dry clean'?" Riley misheard.

"You're such a cigarette." Josh shook his head. Simon laughed at his remark. Josh picked up Riley and followed Simon.
Simon and Josh strolled next to each other while Riley skipped in front of them. She was careful not to drift to far into the road. August was slowly coming to an end and so was the warm weather. Today was probably one of the last warm days but the wind made it chilly.

"I can't believe I forgot my jacket." Josh grumbled.

"You want mine?" Simon offered (Like a gentleman).

"Nah, it's fine." Josh declined.

"How did you remember a jacket for Riley but not for yourself?" Simon looked at the little girl in front of them.

"Well, when you have a kid to take care of they become your main priority. Even above yourself." Josh told him. Then he started thinking about what he said and then Freya. Had he really put Riley above his relationship? Is Riley more important than Freya? She is to Josephine. But is Josie more important than Freya?

"Josh. I know what, or rather who, you're thinking about." Simon crossed his arms.

"Really? How?"

"You're easy to read fam." Simon said. Or maybe Simon just cares enough to be observant. "Why don't you tell me what's up?"

"Well, I don't know whether or not to take Freya's side. Because all she ever does now is whine and complain and beg for attention. She seems to hate Riley! In Freya's defense, I've been with her for years but Riley is just a few months. Riley's temporary but- Riley! No! Rocks aren't for eating! But, Why is this so difficult?! How has Riley come to mean so much to me?! I thought Freya was the one and I want her to be but, but... Riley. I just don't want the relationship to end over a little girl."

"Clearly you care very deeply about the kid. I mean, you just stopped midway through your sentence to stop Riley from eating a rock! You were focused on her while talking about Freya, who seems to secretly be a bitch." He grabbed Josh's hand to give comfort. "You keep saying Riley is temporary. Her stay is temporary but I think the impact she has on you, isn't. Plus if you see she's temporary, why can't Freya? She's freaking out over a child! Does she think you're gonna dump her and date Riley?" he laughed.

"If she does then she must be mistaking me for Harry!" Josh joked. They both laughed. "Ah, Simon, I enjoy hanging out with you." Josh loved the way they could laugh with each other but have serious conversations as well.

"Same to you bro." Simon feels good when he can cheer Josh up.

"Uh, you're still holding my hand." Josh laughed nervously feeling awkward. Simon chuckled, embarrassed, separating his hand from Josh's and slinging his arm around Josh's shoulder.

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