Chapter 5

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This week had been an interesting and exciting week, to say the least. The Sidemen had started their year long job of taking care of a three year old girl. Things did not go as house-burning-down-bad as anyone would expect with the Sidemen. Even so, they still have no idea what they're doing. Simon is terrified of being left with the child, JJ makes a greater effort to avoid the house, and Vik is finding it difficult to get all of his work done. Josh relies on Vik the most for now to watch Riley when Josh is working on his videos. The fans have no clue about Josh's child so it's difficult to explain the lack of videos and sleep.

Tonight is the first night Riley gets to skype call her mother with Josh. Josh, so far, is loving to spend time with his daughter. Even if she still calls him, "Josh".

"Riley guess what?" Josh asked excitedly.

"Wha?" Riley's head perked up.

"You're gonna get to see mommy tonight!" Josh told her. Riley bounced happily, giggling on Josh's bed. "She's gonna call us on the computer." Josh didn't want Riley to think that mom had actually come home. Sometimes Riley still cries over her mother's disappearance. Josh called Josephine on Skype and she answered it almost immediately.

"Hi Josh! Where's my darling, Riley?" Josie got straight to the main point of this conference. Josh couldn't detect much of Josie's surroundings other than it was a bedroom and there appeared to still be daylight.

"She's right behind me." Josh scooted back and grabbed Riley bringing her to his lap.

"Riley!" Josie cooed extremely happy.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Riley was standing on Josh's lap overwhelmed with relief. She was reaching out for her. Josh stayed silent and let them talk.

"Riley, baby, how are you? I'm so sorry for leaving you like that." Josie pouted.

"Mommy where are you?" Riley asked.

"I'm in America sweetie." Josie felt awful, but she needs the money for the both of them. Plus, Josie has always wanted to be able to do this.

"Come home pwease?" Riley pleaded ever so sweetly.

"I wish I could honey but, aren't you enjoying time with your, dad?" Josie remembered Josh who had been sitting in the background. Josh could tell that even she had difficulty calling him 'dad'. Josephine hated to admit he is Riley's father.

"Yes but I love you mommy." Riley was frustrated. She can see and hear her mom, but her mom is stuck in a box. Riley wants to feel her mother's warmth.

"You'll see me again one day, Riley. How is everything going Josh?" Josie changed over to her ex.

"Uh, it's going." he made a nervous laugh. "Riley's fine and everything, she still misses you a lot as you can tell. Our schedules are having a hard time adjusting but we're making due."

"Well, I'm glad to see Riley and hear she's doing good. I'm sorry to mess you up but I couldn't be more thankful, that would do this favor for me." Josie thanked once again.

"No problem. I'm just happy I get be with my daughter." Josh tightened his grip around Riley's tiny body. There's something about this child that Josh now realises he could never live without. He would've lived the rest of life never knowing he was missing this special piece.

(A/N- Sorry it's short and boring but it's part of the detailing 😃 )

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