Chapter 3

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Riley felt so lost. Everything happened too quickly for her. All of the sudden her mother left and has not returned, she's in a strange house, found out she has a dad, and has met three other men. Her body was tired but Riley couldn't sleep comfortably. She normally goes to sleep with her mother when this happens. Which it does quite often. Riley decided to go look for Josh even if she still wasn't comfortable around him. He's her dad so she figured it would be okay.

Riley slid out of her toddler bed and walked up to the door. It was cracked open so she was able to open it. Riley peaked her head out and looked around. She didn't know where to go. Then another door, the one closest to her, opened up. Out stepped Simon, whose hair was still wet from a shower. He caught a glimpse of Riley before she could hide back in her room. To Riley, Simon is a giant. It intimated her how he overlooked her. Riley didn't know that this man's name is, Simon. Her memory was not that great.

"Riley? Why are you up?" Simon questioned.

"Josh." she replied. She knew Josh is her father but insisted on calling him by his real name.

"Do you need him? I'll show you where he is." Simon walked in front of Riley and signaled for her to follow. Riley followed him taking her time on the steps in front of JJ's room. Simon noticed her small struggle. "Need help?" Simon picked her up. Before she could try to fight against him, he had already put her down. She still followed him but her eyes were now fixated on him. "This is Josh's room." Simon told her as he knocked. Simon had helped Riley and she liked that. He was also the first person she met that didn't talk to her with a strange voice.

"Come in!"

"Hey Josh. Riley wanted you." Simon informed him. Simon stepped aside to show Josh, Riley. She moved her head so she was now looking at Josh. Riley no longer felt intimidated. Still nervous and scared, but not threatened by an unknown threat. She learned there is no threat.

That night she slept in Josh's bed. She was able to sleep with presence of somebody else. The next morning Josh struggled a little with getting her dressed.

"Riley. Come on." Josh groaned, annoyed. "Please put this on." He held out a different skirt. Almost every piece of clothing Josephine packed for Riley came with a skirt, or was a dress.

"No! I don't like it." Riley snipped. She crossed her arms and plopped onto the floor.

"That's what you've said about all the skirts. Why don't you like it? It's cute." Josh threw the piece of fabric on the floor. It was only his first day with her and he new it was going to be a long first week. But what else was to be expected?

"I don't wanna wear a skirt." Riley admitted.

"Well then we'll have to go shopping one day because that's basically all your mom packed." Josh said. "You alright with just wearing leggings for today?"

"Mhmm." Riley nodded her head. The only reason she let her mother dress her in skirts, is because it makes her mom happy. Josh didn't care if Riley wore one or not. As long as she had clothes on; which is more than fine by Riley.
Earlier that same day, Josh tried to explain to Riley why she has to be quiet. He's not sure how much, if any of it, she understood. She seemed to at least understand that she has to be quiet. Riley has spent practically all day playing with her toys in her room. Then she a felt a feeling. Her body was alerting her something had to be done. She needed the toilet. Riley walked out of her room looking for someone. Anyone. The first person she saw was Simon sitting in his room with the door open.

"I need to use the potty." Riley announced. Simon thought he heard someone so he looked at his door and saw Riley standing there.

"What?" Simon said since he didn't hear her the first time.

"I need to use the potty." she repeated.

"Oh, uh, you need my help? With that?" Simon asked, slightly confused. There was panic rising inside of him. Josh hadn't thought to tell anyone else about Riley's potty training. Even if Simon had known, he still wouldn't know what to do. Riley whimpered a little, her bladder couldn't hold it much longer. "Uhh... Here."

Simon picked up Riley and brought her into the bathroom. He pulled down her pants before setting her on the toilet. Simon's face turned bright red. This didn't feel right to him. It would feel different, a little better, if the child was his or a boy.

"Just stay here. I'll be right back." Simon instructed. He rushed to the one of other boys rooms for help. Simon went up to Josh's, which was closed, and listened to hear if he was talking. He was so Simon left him to his recording. Simon went to Vik's room where it was silent inside.

"Vik!" Simon busted in. Vik jumped.

"God, you scared me. What?" Vik placed his hand over his heart, laughing nervously.

"Riley has to use the bathroom but I don't know what to do." Simon said really fast.  

"Why are you telling me this instead of Josh?" Vik wondered.

"Because he's recording." Simon answered.

"You didn't just leave Riley on her own did you?" Vik checked.

"No, I put her on the toilet." Simon said.

"Well, I don't know what to do. I've never had to potty train a kid." Vik shrugged, being of no help.

"Am I supposed to... encourage, her? Like when a woman gives birth?" Simon said.

"I told you, I don't know!" Vik put his hands up. Simon grunted and went back upstairs. Riley was still sitting on the toilet swinging her feet.

"Did ya go?" Simon raised an eyebrow.

"I couldn't hold it any longer." Riley replied. Simon continued staring unsure of how to respond. "Did I do it right?"

"Did you have to poo?" Simon asked, feeling awkward. He got her off of the seat and helped her pull her pants up. Riley shook her head. "Uh, yeah you did it right. I mean you peed so..."

"Do I get a prize?" Riley asked, sounding disappointed. She thought because of Simon's lack of enthusiasm, that she didn't do it "good".

"For using the bathroom?" Simon was lost.

"Mommy always gave me prize when I did it right." Riley told him. Then he understood.

"Oh okay. What do you want as your prize?" Simon then asked.

"Candy." she replied simply. Simon tried to think of what candy they had around the house.

"I know. Vik has some Skittles in his room." Simon started to walk back downstairs.

"Mmm, Skittles." Riley said happily. This was the moment when Riley decided she liked Simon.

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