Chapter 13

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July 14, 2015
Riley tossed and turned in her bed, unable to sleep. A dream had woken her. Normally she would go down to Josh if she wasn't in his bed already. However Josh is in Greece right now with Freya. So Riley will have to go to Simon which she has no problem with.

Half awake, Riley slid out of her bed and toddled across the hall to Simon's room. He had the door cracked open so Riley could just push the door open. Simon was still awake editing.

"Simon?" Riley sleepily called his name. It was a few seconds before he turned around.

"Riley why are you up?" Simon asked softly.

"I had a dream." she replied.

"Was it a bad one?" Simon asked. Riley stood there for a moment rubbing her eyes before saying,

"I don't remember."

"Well I can't go to bed yet." Simon said gently. Riley's bottom lip quivered. "Aw, come here baby girl." he cooed with the nickname he had given her. He held out his arms which she slowly walked into. Simon lifted her onto his lap. She curled up and watched him continue editing. Soon enough she fell back asleep on his lap.

Simon was ready for bed by the time he finished editing. Riley was still fast asleep on his legs. He carefully turned everything off and took off his headphones. Simon picked her up and slowly brought her to her room. He gently set Riley on her bed and closed the door behind him. Simon then went back upstairs to his own bed. He put her in her own room because he didn't want to wake her up again by sleeping in the same bed as her.
Screams, squeals, and laughter from downstairs woke Simon up. He stretched as he checked the time on his phone. 10 am. Simon used the bathroom before walking downstairs to find Riley and Vik on opposite sides of the railing, firing Nerf guns. Riley shot Vik in the hand.

"Ah! My hand!" Vik faked his pain. He then took a shot back at Riley, getting her in the stomach. She let out a happy scream. She was still in her pajamas and had messy hair. Simon ran around to Riley's side and sat behind her. He put his giant hands around her small ones and aimed the gun at Vik, shooting him by the head. "Not the face! Not the face!" Vik laughed, blocking his face with his hands.

"Riley are you ready for breakfast?" Simon picked her up. She nodded her head. "How do waffles sound?"

"Yum!" Riley exclaimed. While Simon carried her to the kitchen, she grasped onto his hair. Whenever one of the boys hold her, she likes to grab, pull, or play with their hair. Simon and Riley chatted as he made the waffles.

"What are we going to do today, miss Ri? I wish I could do Q&A with you but Josh won't let me. We'll have to have a talk with him about that when he comes back won't we?" Simon ranted.

"Yeah!" Riley agreed.

"You're so adorable." Simon chuckled.

"Adorkable?" she said incorrectly.

"No, a-door-able." Simon corrected her.

"Adorkable." Riley repeated. Simon couldn't help but laugh at her. "When I'm older, I'm gonna own a castle." Riley declared.

"Oh really?"

"Yep. Imma be the princess, Joshy will be the king, Vik can be the queen, and... you'll be the dog." she listed.

"Dog?! What! But Vik will eat me." Simon complained. This made Riley giggle. "What about Ethan and the others?"

"Peasants!" Riley giggled. Simon bursted out laughing. No one really understood why him and Riley got along so well. It's one of those phenomenons where all you can say is, their personalities just play well together. Simon appreciates her company and is dreading the day that her mother comes back. Riley is his little buddy.

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