Chapter 25- Stranger Than Usual

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  "Don't you look adorable Rodrigo" Molly said as the little boy waited impatiently in the living room to leave for the game the following evening. "I want to go" he groaned. "We will be leaving soon. Zé I'll go with Andreia when she gets here. You can take Irina and Rodrigo now if you like" Katia said knowing her son was beginning to get restless. 

"Where's Dolores?" Molly asked. "She's meeting us there with Andre" Katia smiled. "Ya so you can relax. You won't be stuck with her alone" Ze joked. "Shut up Zé and go answer the door. That should be Andreia" Katia said. "So your mother and Andre are getting very close?" Molly asked. "He seems nice. And we all like him" she said. "Even Cristiano and Hugo. What a surprise?" Molly said. She had known that Dolores had been dating someone but it was only recently that everyone had finally met the man. "Cristiano has too much to juggle to worry about it at the moment" Katia said.

"Óle" Andreia said walking into the living room. "Hi" Molly smiled as Andreia juggled Victoria in her arms. "You looking forward to the game. You haven't been yet have you?" Katia asked. "Not yet. Are you not coming Molly?" Andreia asked noticing Molly's slippers. "No I'm going to watch it with Junior and Dinis here" she replied. "You don't mind watching Dinis?" Katia asked. "I really don't mind" Molly smiled. "Are we going or what?" Zé groaned. "We are coming. Jezz how was I ever with that man?" Katia moaned. "I sometimes wonder that myself" Molly joked and the women all laughed. "What's so funny?" Irina asked as she appeared. "Something Molly said" Katia said. "I find that hard to imagine" Irina muttered.

"Oh are you coming with us?" she asked Andreia. "Ya she is" Katia said. "I suppose you want to see what the food is like there" Irina smirked placing her bag over her shoulder. "Actually I was thinking that you could stay here with me Andreia. If you would like? I know you had been debating whether to take Victoria to the game" Molly said not liking the idea of Andreia sitting with Irina in the box alone. She knew Anna wasn't going to be at the game as she wasn't coming back from Portugal until tomorrow. "Actually that sounds like a good idea. She hasn't being sleeping very well so at least we are near home" Andreia said.

"Well you lot should be going or the match will be over. Have fun" Molly said. "Thanks" Andreia said as they sat on the couch. "There's no need. I'd like the company. The babies will be asleep before kick off. Although I wonder what the food is like at the stadium. Cos in England I used to get these amazing nachos. I swear it was the only reason to go" Molly said and Andriea laughed.

Cristiano scanned his phone as he looked for a glass in his kitchen. It was gone 3 and he couldn't wait to get to bed after a long game. Heck after a long week. "Get me one too while you're at it" Molly said and he jumped.

"What are you doing up with Junior?" he asked as she walked towards him with his son in her arms. "Your girlfriend woke him up" Molly snapped. "Oh" he said. "Oh. Really that's all you're going to say. She just barged into his room. You're lucky it wasn't Katia's room" Molly said. "She didn't do it on purpose" he said.

"Apparently she can't remember things after a few glasses of wine. Thought she'd be more of a red wine drinker than white" Molly said as she stroked Junior's back and held him close as she tried to get him back to sleep. "How do you know she was drinking?" he asked. "One, I could smell it off her, two I grew up with drinkers if you haven't forgotten and three I would have thought it would be saying red wine that you'd ask about" Molly snapped. "Jezz Molly can you just try and not be a bitch for once, I'm not in the mood right now" he sighed taking a seat on the stool. She was about to yell at him for calling her a bitch when she saw him wince as he sat.

"If you're in pain, why did you go out?" she asked walking to the fridge. "I wanted to go out and celebrate the win" he said rolling up his right leg trousers. "More like Irina wanted to go out" Molly said rolling her eyes. "Put this on your knee" she said throwing him an ice pack. "Thanks" he mumbled.

"You took a nasty knock" she whispered as Junior's eyelids began to shut. "So you watched it then?" he smirked. "When Andreia and I weren't chatting. Sergio got a good goal" she whispered. "He was lucky" Cristiano scoffed. "I told him that too" she smiled. "When?" he asked. "He texted me to try and get me to come out with you guys" she said stroking Junior's arm. So that's why Sergio had been on his phone most of the night, Cristiano thought. "So what did you ask him to spy for you?" Cristiano asked.

"What?" Molly asked. "I assume he told you that Irina was drinking wine. What else did he tell you? Did he count how many times Pepe rolled his eyes at her?" Cristiano snapped. "Excuse me, but I couldn't give a shit what you and them do when I'm not around. He actually said that Irina picked a good red wine and I replied to him about watching how much he drank or he wouldn't be able to remember any girls he kisses tonight" Molly said. "Oh" Cristiano said. "And maybe if your girlfriend watched what she said, then Pepe wouldn't roll his eyes at her" Molly snapped.

"Molly don't" he said catching the end of her tank top as she made to leave. "I'm just tired" he said. "Then go to bed" she snapped. "He looks so peaceful" Cristiano said stroking his son's cheek as he laid against Molly's chest. "Ya he does" she said as Cristiano's other arm wrapped around her back and pulled her into his side.

"I haven't spent much time with him lately have I?" he said resting his head against her shoulder. "You've being busy" she said as his fingers stroked her side. "Thanks for changing my schedule" he said. "Jorge said it was ok so he's the one you should be thanking" she replied. "I should get to spend time with him and Irina together now" he said. "Just like you wanted" she mumbled.

"Mmm" he said sleepily. "Have you being drinking?" she asked. "Nope. Why?" he asked as he eyes closed a little. "You are even stranger than usual" she said. "Just feel relaxed" he said tilting his head to place a kiss on her bare shoulder. "Well maybe you should go to bed and relax there before your girlfriend comes looking for you and wakes the whole house" Molly said and shook his arm off her.

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