Chapter 100- Nothing Left To Say

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  Taking two steps at the time, Molly reached the top of the stairs in no time. She paused at the top and looked towards Cristiano's closed bedroom door. She should open that door and tell that little miss Russian exactly what her boyfriend was like. But then chaos would begin and Junior would get caught in the middle. She shook her head and began to walk to her room. She paused at Junior's door. After all these months of him sleeping next door, this would be the last time she thought as her hand was flat against the door. It was time to disappear she thought.

"Like I should have in the first place" she mumbled to herself as she opened her own door. She rested the back of her head against the now closed door and looked around the room that had being hers for the past five months. For the first time in her life she had actually started to accumulate belongings other than the clothes she needed. Now these belongings were going to make it harder to just pack up and go quickly. She had left for good once she thought. Sure that time she had tried to leave when there was nobody around. She knew how hard it would have being to say goodbye to Dolores, Katia and Elma after she had Junior. That's why she had told Cristiano that she would phone them just so they would know she was ok. She had intended to make those three phone calls and then no contact anymore. Expect that didn't happen. Instead of sneaking out of the hospital Cristiano had come back. She had placed Junior in his arms and walked out the door.

The hardest thing she had ever done. And now she was facing going through the same exact experience. Except this time she wasn't leaving behind a tiny baby that she has only known for a couple of days. Now she was leaving behind the boy she had nursed, had awoken during the night to check if he was ok, the little boy she...she bit her lip to compose herself and pushed away from the door. She found her suitcase under the bed and unzipped it. She needed to pack. She needed to figure out what she was going to do. She could go stay with Sarah in San Francisco but she knew that would be the first place Jorge would look for her. She knew he would try to find her. But if Molly was going to leave, then it she needed a clean break.

While she had a little more stuff than she had when she first arrived in Madrid, she could leave it behind and just pack what she needed. But she needed to say goodbye to Dolores, Katia, Nuno, and Rodrigo she thought sadly. After the upheaval she caused in their lives they deserved a proper goodbye. "And Junior" she whispered as a light knock came to the door.

"Get out" she snapped as the door opened and Nuno stepped in to find her neatly folding some clothes into the suitcase. "Molly" he said. "I said get out Nuno" she snapped. "I bought you up this" he said placing her bag on the dressing table. She had forgotten about her bag. She needed her phone if she was going to make arrangements. "Molly stop packing. You aren't going anywhere" he said. "I said get out Nuno or I'll scream the house down" she snapped as she opened another drawer.

"Scream so. Then Dolores can start talking some sense into you. Into her son" he said. "Nuno please. Please just leave me alone" she begged. "You can't just leave. Leave for good Mols" he said. "I am" she said. "I'm not going to defend him. This whole thing had been...Just don't rush.." he said. "I won't leave without saying goodbye" she said. "I wouldn't blame you if you did" he said. "I'm just doing what Ronaldo wanted in the first place" she said. "Just stop packing. You can finish another time. Get some sleep and hopefully this mess will get sorted in the morning. You don't want to have to unpack everything again" he half smiled. "That's not going to be happening Nuno. Now can you please just leave me alone?" she asked and he nodded.

"I'll see you in the morning" he said more as a question. "Yes Nuno" she said and he shut the door behind him. Molly moved to the door and turned the lock. She didn't need any more interruptions. The sun was beginning to rise as Molly finished packing up all her stuff. She laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Her things were all packed but she still didn't know where she was taking them. She also had to figure out what to say to Anderia and Ana.

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