Chapter 40- I Just Wish

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  "So Molly's back to herself" Pepe said to Cristiano as he laced his boots in the dressing room. "Why would you think that?" Cristiano asked. "One you're less miserable and two Ana was on the phone with her for over an hour last night. Man those women can talk" Pepe groaned.

"You didn't- "Tell Ana about your fight with Molly. No I didn't. Molly might though so you can expect my lovely girlfriend to give you some hassle if she does tell. I didn't think you needed any more people making you feel bad" Pepe said. "But it's only fair that I am" Cristiano sighed. "What?" Cristiano asked when he founded Pepe looking at him. "You don't normally give yourself this much of a hard time for being a jerk" Pepe said. "I don't normally mess up this bad" Cristiano said.

"Guess you're not used to Molly ignoring you and being quiet" Pepe joked. "Molly being quiet is a bad thing. Trust me. And I'd rather she ignore me than hate me" Cristiano mumbled. "Since she was Miss chatter box on the phone with Ana last night, has that chatter extended to you at all?" Pepe asked. "A bit" Cristiano said. "That's a good thing then" Pepe said.

"Or it's just Molly trying to be Molly and just sucking up her feelings and trying to be civil" Cristiano said. "Or she's trying to get past all the horrible stuff you said to her. But can't just forget that quickly" Pepe said. "For once I hope you are right" Cristiano said.

"Hey Ronnie" Iker said taking a seat next to him on the bench. "Hey" Cristiano replied. "Do me a favour and take Molly's phone off her" Iker groaned. "Why?" Cristiano asked. "Because I was trying to chat to Sergio but he's too busy with his head stuck in his phone to even attempt to chat" Iker said. "How do you know that it's Molly he's texting?" Cristiano asked looking across the room at Sergio who was grinning as his fingers moved fast over his phone screen. "The smile on his face. Only see it when it's her he's talking to. Isn't that right Pepe?" Iker asked.

"Sometimes ya" Pepe replied not missing the glare Cristiano was giving Sergio. "Oh, the smile has turned into a frown" Iker said. "What do you think? He finally asked her out and she replied no" Fabio asked. "No he's have a face like thunder if that happened" Iker said. "Why would he be asking her out?" Cristiano asked. Iker and Fabio rolled their eyes at him. "Wait he's coming over" Fabio hushed. "Have you said something to upset her?" Iker smirked as Sergio stood in front of them. "Cris" Sergio said. "When did I become Mister what's bothering Molly guy?" Cristiano groaned.

"Well normally you are the one bothering her" Iker said. "Still is" Pepe pointed out. "What do you want Sergio?" Cristiano asked ignoring the questioning looks from the others. Sergio was about to speak when his phone buzzed in his hand and he smiled at the text. "Reckon it was a false alarm" Fabio said.

"Sergio" Iker said. "Huh" Sergio said his eyes on the phone. "Oh for heaven sake" Iker said snapping the phone out of his friends hand. "Hey give that back" Sergio yelled trying to get the phone back. "I want to know what put that smile back on your face" Iker smirked holding his hand out to push back an annoyed Sergio. Iker past the phone to Fabio. "Don't mention carrots. After yesterday, I'm agreeing with Cris. Cookies are more me!" Fabio said confused as he read Sergio's last text.

"I was telling her she needed to get her eyes tested about something or eat more carrots" Sergio said as if that explained things. "She cut her finger slicing carrots" Cristiano said. "You and Molly have really strange conversations" Iker said to Sergio. "I don't even want to know what her and Ana were talking about last night" Pepe said.

"Great Molly is talking to everyone. Are we just going to sit around and chat all day or do you lot not want to get out of here" Cristiano said and headed towards the showers. "What the hell is up with him?" Fabio asked Pepe. "Haven't got a clue" Pepe replied knowing full well Cristiano was annoyed that Molly appeared to be talking to everyone bar him.

"You know it's not everyone's fault that Molly isn't talking to you much" Pepe said as he walked to the car park with Cristiano a while later. "Huh" Cristiano said. "You're not hiding it well. That it bothers you that Molly is annoyed with you" Pepe said. "She's not annoyed with me. That I'm used to. She hates me" Cristiano said.

"Man if you're so bothered about it, then you must have really said things that you shouldn't" Pepe said. "I just wish.." he stuttered. "Wish what?" Pepe asked. "I just wish it could be like it was" Cristiano sighed. "Like" Pepe said. "Just...Never mind. It doesn't matter. I just have to wait for her to forgive me. That's if she ever does" Cristiano muttered walking ahead of Pepe who stared after his friend.  

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