Chapter 6

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As promised I just wanted to say a HUGE MASSIVE GIGANTIC ENOURMOUS thank you to the awesome and amazing Mollieeeeeeee!! She is the first person to comment on this story!! Thank you so much for reading it and liking it! Your comment made my day! So I dedicate this chapter to you Mollie!! Thanks again!! <3 


Chapter 6

Demi was once again driving my car, while I was lost in thoughts... Maybe my dream was one step closer to becoming true but still it wasn't right to make it more important than Jake's life. I sighed loudly resting my head in the palm of my hand. Demi's hand squeezed mine making me jump a little before she put it back on the wheel. I looked at her and smiled, trying to reassure her.

-"What's on your mind?", she asked straight-forwardly surprising me a little.

-"Jake had an operation today and I promised him to be there before the surgery. It completely got out of my mind and I didn't want to leave the X-Factor auditions, so I told him that I wasn't coming and he got mad.", I explained briefly.

-"Hum", she mumbled quietly, "I'm sure he'll realize that he overreacted a little. That operation could be life changing for him but so is X-Factor for you. He'll come around", she smiled throwing me a quick look.

-"I hope you're right", I sighed as she slowed down the car in the hospital's parking lot.

-"Are you ready", she asked stopping the car completely.

-"Yeah", I smiled opening the door to get out. I walked closer to her and started walking as her cellphone vibrated. She took it in her hands and smiled at screen.

-"Is that you're boyfriend?", I asked curiously ready to have another heart break.

-"No, no, no", she giggled, "It's Marissa, my best friend".

-"Oh, ok", I sighed relieved, "So you don't have a boyfriend?. She looked up at me with a weird face putting her cellphone away as we walked through the hospital's door.

-"No, I don't", she replied now looking away.

-"I'm sorry Demi, I didn't mean to intrude or bring back any bad memories", I frowned.

-"No, it's ok", she replied walking faster. She was so not ok, something was wrong. We passed the nurse sitting at front desk and I lightly smiled at her before making my way to Jake's room. My dad was already there.

-"Hey Louis", I smiled.

-"Olivia?", he asked looking up and than noticing Demi.

-"Demetria? I didn't expect to see you here", he continued getting up from his seat and hugging her. It was stupid but seeing him touch her made me a bit jealous. I just shrugged it off and bit my lips while looking away. Anyway my dad was way too old for her.

-"Well, I though that Olivia might've needed company", she smiled pulling away from him before throwing her arm around my shoulders.

-"Well that's very kind of you", he replied.

-"Yes it is", I smiled, thanking her siliently. "How is he", I asked walking closer to Jake's bed.

-"He should wake up soon", he sighed


Demi and I were sitting in the cafeteria. I took a bite of my sandwich observing her face.

-"Do you have a boyfriend?", she asked bringing the subject back on the table while playing with her fork in her salad.

-"N, no", I stuttered as my cheeks turned bright red.

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