Chapter 48

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Ok so this will probably be the last chapter until Friday.. Sorry!!!  I feel like this chapter is a bit short but I guess it's better than nothing!! This chapter is for sapphirelovato!! Thanks for your comment!! ;)

I just wanted to add that I get more and more comments (YAY!!) so it's harder to dedicate a chapter to everyone since I don't remember who already has a mention but I'm trying my hardest to make it work! Please bear with me! If you think I forgot you or something feel free to let me know!! ;) Thanks for every follow! It means so much to me!! :D

Stay Strong everyone, and read on!! xxxxxx -N


Chapter 48

P.O.V Sarah

I couldn’t look away from him. His face was the same as in my memory, he still had gorgeous long eye lashes and those big green eyes that could look through your soul. The only thing that had changed was his name. Dylan. I wanted to touch his face, hold him against me and apologize, but it wasn’t Liam. Dylan’s hair was longer than Liam’s which made him look older but then again Liam would’ve changed in two years. Liam had died hating me and it was my only regret. I wondered what our life would’ve been with Dylan, was he like Liam or maybe he was the complete opposite. What would opposite even mean, Liam was everything so what was left for Dylan.

-”Do you wanna go grab a coffee?”, Dylan asked observing my face. I fixed my gaze on his eyes trying to remember if Liam’s voice sounded like that. Everyone could’ve agreed that Liam was a good kid was it the same for his brother. I wanted Dylan to be Liam, but it was selfish of me to wish for such a thing. I extended my arm and ran my fingers through his soft brown locks. We both shivered as I touched him. He gently took my hand in his and squeezed reassuringly.

-”I’m not Liam”, he said.

-”I know, I just wanted know if you felt like him”, I said confused by my actions. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he spoke again.

-”So about that coffee?”, he repeated.

-”Oh yeah, ok”, I replied not detaching my eyes from his. We walked together in silence until we reached a Starbucks. He opened the door for me, like Liam would’ve done and quickly followed me in. After ordering, we sat at a table observing each other. I found Liam everywhere on Dylan, his lips, his nose, his hands, everything screamed Liam.

-”What was he like?”, Dylan asked ripping me out of my train of thoughts. A little smile lingered on the corner of my mouth as I tried to think of a good way to describe Liam. No sound could come out of my mouth because no words could honor him as the great man he was. “Are you ok?”, he asked breaking the silence.

-”y, yeah. I’m still a bit surprised”, I stuttered fixing my eyes on his.

-”What was he like?”, he repeated. I push my fringe out of my face before tying my hair up in a ponytail.

-”Liam was amazing”, I smiled dreamingly as his laugh echoed in my mind, “He was the perfect gentleman and the perfect boyfriend. Liam wasn’t jealous, he always said that trust was the key to love. He lived by those words and honored them. He was a great hockey player and he could draw amazing portrait. They looked so real that sometimes I would ask myself if maybe they weren’t only black and white pictures. His drawings always looked so alive, even more than some actual living people. He couldn’t sing one note on key but he still serenaded me. He was the funniest guy I had the chance to ever meet. He was sweet and caring. He would always know when something was wrong and seemed to know the exact words you needed to hear. Liam was brave and he would’ve done anything for Olivia, anything. He was always so protective of her, I always wondered how she could handle it. They’ve always had that weird bond that kept them so close. He would always know what she was thinking before she’d say it aloud. He knew her better than anyone. She was his family, the only person who ever had his entire heart. He died because of me, and I’ll never forgive myself”, I said looking up at him as I wiped away a lonely tear. 

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