Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

P.O.V Olivia

-"Hello!", I said answering my phone.

-"Hey!", Demi's voice replied through the phone.

-"You just landed?", I asked.

-"Yeah, I'm back in LA now! How about you? Do you know when you're coming back?", she questioned.

-"Hum not exactly, I need to talk to Noël first", I said biting my lip. I now knew that Demi wanted me back in LA. Every time we talked, she asked that same question, but I just wanted her to tell me explicitly that SHE wanted me back and that she missed me.

-"Babe! You need to come back for yourself! Forget about what Noël wants, it's your life, not hers!", she pleaded.

-"Why do you want me to come back so badly anyways?", I asked amused.

-"Well, I uh, X-Factor! What other reasons would I have?", she replied making me laugh.

-"I don't know you tell me, babe!", I said emphasising the word babe.

-"Ok, ok, I miss you", she said a bit more quietly.

-"There you go! See it wasn't that hard to admit", I giggled.

-"Shut up!", she laughed.

-"So you want me to come back for you?", I asked with a grin on my face. She stayed silent for a few seconds. "Demi?", I asked.

-"Yeah, yeah, yeah, sorry!", she said quickly not answering my question.

-"Hahahaha!! I miss you too!", I smiled and she giggled.

-"So you're coming back in three days then?", she asked.

-"Demiiiii!!!", I giggled, "stop it".

-"What! I just want to know when you're coming back!", she sighed.

-"I know, I promise you'll be the first I call when I'm sure about the date ok?", I replied

-"Ok, I have to go now, I have a phone call interview in ten minutes!", she sighed.

-"Ok, bye!", I said

-"Yeah, see you soon", she giggled and hung up. That girl was driving me crazy! I put the phone back in my purse and walked in the hospital soon reaching Noël's room.

-"Hey Humphrey I wanna talk to you about something", I smiled going in for a hug.

-"What about?", she asked sipping water.

-"I have to go back home", I sighed.

-"What? But you just got here! Can't you at least stay an hour?", she pouted.

-"No, I mean home as in LA", I smiled sadly.

-"Oh", she frowned, "when are you leaving?".

-"Well, I'm supposed to leave in three days if we count today", I replied.

-"Can't you stay a bit longer?", she asked quietly.

-"Well, that's the thing, I'm thinking about not going back. How would you feel about that?", I asked.

-"Oh, hell to the no! You're not staying here Olivia! You're doing X-Factor! Imma ship you back there if I have to!", she said seriously, making me laugh. "I'm serious Olivia! You're going back!"

-"Thanks", I smiled.

-"I can't believe you even asked", she said.

-"Well, I had to! I mean you'd be here all alone if I wasn't here", I frowned.

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