Chapter 32

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I could never thank each and everyone of you enough! You guys are just amazing and I love you all so much!! Thanks to everyone who comments and vote or even just read!! Share this story with your friends!! :P So this chapter is for JessStarkie!! Thanks for your comment!!!!!! :D

OH AND Thanks for following me people!! :D Each follow means so much to me!! :')

Stay Strong everyone! I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm still indecisive about this chapter but anyway, read on!! xxx -N


Chapter 32

P.O.V Olivia

I opened my bedroom door as my stomach begged me for food. With everything that had happened yesterday, eating hadn’t seemed so important. What I saw took my breath away and my heart started racing. Demi was sitting on the floor, her back pressed against the wall and her head falling slightly to the side. I picked her up, slowly and lied her down on my bed putting the comforter over her body. I escaped the room quickly and walked down stairs to the kitchen grabbing a bagel. The fact that she had waited all night for me to talk to her made my heart flutter. I was still mad at her though! I totally understood that she had every right to have guy friends but why would she hide it from me if “nothing” was happening! I was humming Demi’s song Aftershock while pouring myself a glass of orange juice.  What would I even say to her, my body and my heart wanted her, but my mind was begging me to think this through and not rush my decision. What was I even considering? I didn’t wanna break up with her, so what were the alternatives? Maybe a shower could clear my mind and let me relax for a while. The hot water ran down my body. I jumped in surprise as two cold hands found their way to my waist. Demi. She pressed her lips on my shoulder leaving a tingly feeling on my skin. 

-”I’m still mad at you”, I huffed, she turned me around so I was facing her.

-”I know”, she replied, I had to fight against myself to not eye her perfect body. So my eyes stayed glued to hers.

-”Why are you still here?”, I asked calmly.

-”I’m still here because you’re my girlfriend and I love you. I acted like a total bitch and I really don’t deserve your forgiveness but I’m here because I won’t leave until we make things right. I’m, I’m scared Olivia”, she whispered.

-”I should be the one who’s scared right now, you’re running around with your ex!”, I said confused.

-”No, that’s not how I meant it”, she said as her voice cracked. She wiped a tear quickly and it broke my heart. Why was she crying! I didn’t do anything we were in this situation because of her! It was all her fault. 

-”We’re not having this conversation in the shower Demi”, I said, this was way too inappropriate. She stepped closer to me wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me close to her, our bare bodies pressed against one another. I closed my eyes pushing away every thoughts that ran through my mind. If she needed that hug, I would give it to her. My arms snaked around her waist closing the gab between us. As I did so loud sobs escaped her mouth. Fuck! What was going through her mind.

-”I need you!”, she cried. I squeezed her a bit tighter to let her know that I wasn’t going anywhere. “I’m so sorry baby!” she continued, her body shaken by sobs. I sighed closing my eyes. Who said being in love was easy?


I sat on my bed waiting for Demi to join me. She walked over, sat down in front of me and took my hands in hers.

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